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Fastest ways to farm Regal Orbs in Path of Exile 2
Anthony King
05 Jan 2025
Posted On
Path of Exile 2 [1] has several currencies players can and must get their hands on. From the fairly common Chaos Orbs to the highly demanded Exalted Orbs, players will likely spend a good chunk of their time playing the game looking for multiple currencies to strengthen their characters. One of the more rare orbs players can find are Regal Orbs.
Today, we want to go through everything players need to know about Regal Orbs in Path of Exile 2. This includes highlighting what these orbs are and all the ways players can farm this currency. Naturally, we’ll also go through some tactics players can utilize to hasten how fast they can farm Regal Orbs.
So, without further ado, here are the fastest ways to farm Regal Orbs in Path of Exile 2. If you don’t want to spend hours grinding and farming orbs then you can always buy whatever orb or currency you want from Eloking’s Path of Exile 2 marketplace. Alternatively, you can also become a seller to get rid of excess orbs and make money in the process.
What are Regal Orbs used for in PoE 2?
Regal Orbs and Regal Shards are essential for increasing your character's power in Path of Exile 2, particularly in the middle to late stages of the game. To maximize your build, you need to upgrade your Magic gear to Rare to unlock extra modifiers and higher stat thresholds. A Magic item may be upgraded to a Rare item using this elusive form of currency
However, acquiring Regal Orbs is going to be difficult due to their scarcity. Knowing their mechanics will offer you a big advantage whether you are looting monsters or breaking down Rare items.
10 Regal Shards may be combined to become Regal Orbs in Path of Exile 2. Since Regal Orbs do not drop very often, it is worthwhile to farm for Regal Shards. It’s the same logic as looking for currency shards in any other game to construct a full item, whether you’re talking about key fragments in League of Legends or Saint Quartz fragments from Fate/Grand Order.
How to Farm Path of Exile 2's Regal Orbs
Now that you know exactly what Regal Orbs are in Path of Exile 2, it’s time for us to go through our favorite ways for players to farm this currency.
Chests and enemies' loot
Regal Orbs are directly looted from chests and foes. They can fall from any enemy, although they are quite uncommon. Story bosses and unusual encounters are your greatest option because they have better loot rates than ordinary monsters. It is worthwhile to return since bosses also regularly drop additional important goodies like Spirit Gems and Uncut Skill Gems.
Using Regal Shards to craft
If you are having trouble locating a Regal Orb, concentrate on gathering Regal Shards instead. With a stack of ten, these pieces can be assembled into a Regal Orb. Additionally, these shards are much more common than finding regular orbs, which is why many players will likely have a better time farming Regal Shards than farming Regal Orbs.
Enemies and chests drop Regal Shards, frequently in the same locations as Regal Orbs. Remember that a more certain method of guaranteeing access to these desired improvements is to stack shards.
Effective Regal Shard Farming Techniques
Farming Regal Shards is pretty much the most reliable way a player can acquire Regal Orbs consistently. Therefore, we figured we’d go through techniques specifically diving into how players can farm Regal Shards in Path of Exile 2.
Check Out High-Level Areas Again
Farming becomes more efficient when you return to locations where you are much stronger than the enemy. Here's how:
Make new instances: To create new treasure opportunities, reset maps using the Instance Manager.
Give bosses priority: For higher shard drop rates, target bosses and opponent areas with a high population density.
Rinse and repeat: You may obtain shards, Rare Items, and other crafting materials by speed farming these zones.
Trial of the Sekhemas
Because there are so many unique foes in the Trial of the Sekhemas, it is a great place to harvest Regal Shards. Particular trials to concentrate on are:
Chalice Trials: These increase your chances of receiving shard drops by requiring you to beat a lot of specific foes.
Hourglass Trials: These are brief yet ensure special experiences with a lot of treasure.
You can also target Beira of the Rotten Pack in the Clearfell region, which is one of the best places to farm Regal Shards. Beira is located close to the zone's center and drops Regal Shards along with a variety of magic and occasionally uncommon items.
Convert the shards to create more Regal Orbs and disenchant the rare goods. To increase your farming efficiency, use the waypoint system to reset the zone after clearing the region and then repeat the process.
You can easily farm Regal Orbs by being persistent and following a good farming route. This will enhance your equipment and improve your build for the obstacles that lie ahead.
Disenchanting Rare Items for Shards
Another dependable method for farming Regal Shards is to disenchant rare items. You may increase your inventory of shards and make room for better treasure by breaking down gold-tier goods. Here's how to accomplish it successfully:
Find Rare Items: While farming, gather rare (yellow) equipment.
Find Disenchant NPCs:
Path of Exile 2 has a handful of disenchant NPCs players can find scattered across the game’s ever-expanding world. We’ve highlighted some of the easiest ones to discover in the first three acts of the game below.
Act 1: Una in Clearfell Encampment
Act 2: Zarka in The Ardura Caravan
Act 3: Servi in Ziggurat Encampment
Disenchant 6-Mod Rare Items: As of the latest patch (0.1.0c, December 2024), Rare Items with six modifiers yield 2 Regal Shards when dismantled.
Since each orb has a distinct purpose, knowing where and how to farm them may greatly improve your crafting and trade skills. With the help of this guide, you may increase the effectiveness of your orb farming and advance your Path of Exile 2 gaming!
What are Regal Orbs used for in Path of Exile 2?
The easiest way to describe Regal Orbs is it’s a currency players can use to upgrade a piece of magic equipment into a rare item. As you can imagine, it’s invaluable for newcomers who want to upgrade their gear’s rarity to ensure it has better stats.
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