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Best CS2 Settings for Ranked

Best CS2 Settings for Ranked

CS2 is out and there are a bunch of things players need to learn about it, regardless of whether they're new or old. However, one thing that hasn't changed between CS:GO and CS2 is that it's crucial for you to go for the best settings possible to ensure you have a competitive advantage against the opposition.

To help you with this, we're here with the settings that professional players most commonly use. This information was gathered after averaging out the settings of some of the top CS2 players, including eSports professionals and our professional CS2 boosters. Therefore, you can rest assured that these settings are the real deal.

So, if you were looking for the best settings for CS2 ranked then keep reading.

Best CS2 Video Settings for Ranked
Blurred image of a video settings menu

The first thing we want to go through is how you can make your game look and feel smooth and fluid. How else are you supposed to quickly spot and react to enemies that might pop up from anywhere?

Video Setting


Color Mode

Use Computer Monitor

Aspect Ratio

Native Aspect Ratio


Monitor's Native Res

Display Mode


Refresh Rate

Monitor's Native Rate

Boost Player Contrast


Wait for Vertical Sync


Multisampling Anti-Aliasing

CMAA2 (recommended)

Global Shadow Quality


Model/Texture Detail

Medium (or High for skins)

Texture Filtering Mode

Anisotropic 4x

Shader Detail

Low (or High for visuals)

Particle Detail


Ambient Occlusion


High Dynamic Range (HDR)


FidelityFX Super Resolution


NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency

Experiment with Enable/Disable

Launch Options for Improved Performance

Ensure your graphics drivers are up to date, and add "-high" to the game's launch options for high-priority mode. This can be done by right-clicking the game in Steam, selecting "Properties," and then navigating to "General."

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Resolution and Refresh Rate Considerations
Video game characters in military attire preparing for a mission in an urban environment

For the best CS2 experience, consider the following:

Remember to ensure that your PC can produce enough frames to match your monitor's refresh rate. High refresh rates are most effective when you have the hardware to support them.

Optimizing Mouse Settings
Blurred character in the background of a video game settings menu

Most players would argue that the single most important setting page is the one for your keyboard and mouse. To be more specific, the mouse sensitivity and overall settings are crucial for players wanting to consistently win matches.

Mouse Sensitivity

CS2 and CS:GO share the same sensitivity system, so you can easily transfer your CS:GO sensitivity settings. Ensure your eDPI (effective DPI) is within a reasonable range for competitive play.

eDPI Calculation

Calculate your eDPI by multiplying your mouse's DPI with your in-game sensitivity. The median eDPI for CS2 pros is 830.


Most pros use DPI levels of 3200 or lower. Common DPI settings include 400, 800, and 1600.

Zoom Sensitivity Multiplier

Keep this setting at the default value of 1 unless you have a specific preference for scoped rifles.

Mouse Hz (Polling Rate)

Higher polling rates (1000Hz or 4000 Hz) are generally recommended for smoother and more responsive mouse movement.

Keyboard Settings for Efficiency

While keyboard preferences are highly personal, one key recommendation is to bind all grenades to easily accessible keys. Quick access to grenades can be crucial in high-pressure situations. For more tips related to grenades, we recommend you read our guide on how you can practice nades in CS2.

Customize your keyboard settings based on your comfort and playstyle, and if required, don't be afraid to double bind too.

Best CS2 Audio Settings
Blurred video game settings screen

Up next on the agenda are audio settings. These settings are extremely important for players wanting to take note of audio cues. It might be time for you to buy some new headsets because with these settings you'll be able to hear any enemy coming for you.

Audio Setting

Recommended Value


Master Volume

Adjust to preference

Control the overall volume of the game.

Audio Device

Use Default Device

Select your preferred audio device for CS2.

EQ Profile

Crisp or Natural

Choose between "Crisp" for enhanced sound localization or "Natural" for a more blended experience.

L/R Isolation

100% or 0%

Set to 100% for clear directional audio or 0% for a more blended sound experience.

Perspective Correction

No or Yes

Choose "No" for CS:GO-style audio or "Yes" for a more natural sound experience.

Enable Voice

Press To Use Mic

Control when your voice is transmitted by using "Press To Use Mic."

VOIP Volume


Adjust voice communication volume to your liking.

Streamline Push To Talk

Enable or Disable

Enable this if you experience stuttering with push-to-talk.

Play Audio When Game In Background

No or Yes

Decide whether game audio plays when CS2 is in the background.

Main Menu Volume

Adjust to preference

Set the volume for the main menu to avoid sudden loud noises.

Round Start Volume


Minimize distractions during the round start by setting this to 0%.

Round Action Volume


Avoid distractions during gameplay by setting this to 0%.

Round End Volume


Set this to 0% to minimize distractions at the end of rounds.

MVP Volume

Adjust to preference

Customize MVP sound volume based on your preference.

Bomb/Hostage Volume

20% or preferred level

Useful for tracking bomb planting time; adjust to your preference.

Ten Second Warning Volume

20% or preferred level

Provides an alert when there are ten seconds left on the bomb timer; adjust to your preference.

Death Camera Volume


Avoid audio distractions after your character's death by setting this to 0%.

What’s next?

Now that you have learned something new about Counter-Strike - it’s time you start playing and get better at the game. We can help! Purchase Eloking CS2 Boost right now and start playing at the rank you deserve!

Alternatively, you can Join our Discord Server & participate in various giveaways!

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