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How the Gold Frying Pan works in Teamfight Tactics

How the Gold Frying Pan works in Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics continues to introduce new elements to the game ensuring it’s kept fresh and relevant for fans. While merging, creating, and general crafting already play a huge role in the game, the introduction of the Gold Frying Pan has the potential to make it more important than ever before.

Today, we’re here to go through everything players need to know about the Gold Frying Pan in Teamfight Tactics. This includes what it is, how players can acquire it, and a list of things players can create using this item.

So, if you want to channel your inner Spongebob Squarepants then keep reading because we’re about to make you a master of the frying pan.

What is the Gold Frying Pan?

Artistic illustration of shiny golden binoculars

The Gold Frying pan is similar to the Golden Spatula, otherwise known as Spatula. The Spatula is an important item in TFT that lets people craft Emblems for an Origin trait. From Patch 14.18 onwards, players can craft Emblems for Set 12 trait classes using the Gold Frying Pan.

This new item increases what people can do when crafting Emblem, and it will probably be playable in the PBE servers for testing when Patch 14.17 launches.

How to get the Gold Frying Pan in Teamfight Tactics?

Cute bird flying with a sword in a fantastical sky

Golden Loot Orbs containing Gold Frying Pans will be in Carousels from Patch 14.18. Thanks to this, Spatulas' drop rate will be half since the Pan will replace it.

Additionally, TFT is getting two new Portals in Set 12, giving players a higher chance to obtain a Golden Pan. The first Portal is named Frying Pan, which will provide every player in the lobby with a Golden Frying Pan.

The other is Let em’ Cook. As the name suggests, this portal will give each player a Golden Spatula and a Golden Frying Pan.

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What things can players create using the Golden Frying Pan?

Mystical floating island with colorful portals in a fantasy game

Players who craft using a Golden Frying Pan will make a class trait Emblem if they know all the recipes. Here’s a list of traits that people can create and what crafting components to use:

Players can exploit the Gold Frying Pan in other ways besides crafting with item components.

Penguin character holding a glowing sword in a mystical temple with golden pillars
The Spatula gets a buff when paired with the Pan to make a Tactician’s Crown. Here’s how to get bonuses:

The player will get a surprise if a unit equips all three emblems.


When is the Golden Frying Pan coming to the game?

The Golden Frying Pan is coming to Teamfight Tactics with patch 14.18 which is confirmed to be coming out on Patch 14.18. Players can likely expect the developer to give more information on the upcoming item as its release date creeps closer.

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