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Here's how Lifeweaver will change in Overwatch 2 Season 12
Anthony King
08 Sep 2024
Posted On
Overwatch 2 continues to introduce several new heroes, some good and some bad. Like other competitive multiplayer games, Blizzard also continues to tweak heroes. While some get buffed, others get nerfed to account for the current meta and the preference of professional players.
While it isn’t confirmed, it seems Lifeweaver will be the next Hero to see some major changes in the next season. We’re here to go through everything we currently know about those said changes, including whether the changes will be good for the hero and when the next Season is expected to launch.
So, without any more delay, here’s how Lifeweaver will change in Overwatch 2 Season 12.
Lifeweaver will probably get big buffs in Overwatch 2 Season 12
Ever since the release of Lifeweaver in Overwatch 2 earlier this year, players barely touch the character because he's weak compared to other support characters. Although he has a good set of abilities that allow him to create cover and high ground for his team and let him rescue players by pulling teammates to himself, other support characters have been overshadowing him throughout the year. Heroes like Mercy and Ana can easily outheal Lifeweaver, while Kiriko and Lucio provide better team buffs for mobility and status negation.
Overwatch 2 hero designer Alec Dawson and director Aaron Keller share various info regarding Overwatch and Overwatch 2 in the Group Up! Podcast, like how Blizzard tested out 7v7 in the early stages of the first game and what changes they are currently planning. When discussing underpowered heroes, Dawson reveals that Lifeweaver will get changes in the next patch, specifically about his overall kit, to make him a better pick.
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What buffs will Lifeweaver receive in Season 12?
While neither figure has revealed what buffs Lifeweaver will get, players have gathered an idea of what to expect. Some buffs the character will get will likely be the same ones that Eskay designed for the Overwatch 2 Community Crafted mode.
Lifeweaver’s Thorn Volley inflicted more damage, and he could swap weapons quickly in the Community Crafted mode. Life Grip had a smaller cooldown, and Petal Platform had two charges and a higher jump, making the character more handy than before.
Although it’s implausible that Blizzard will apply all of these buffs to Lifeweaver in Overwatch 2 Season 12, it’ll take inspiration and ideas and use at least one of them since the main goal of the development team is to make the character as useful as possible and fit him in the meta.
When will Season 12 launch?
Season 12 of Overwatch 2 will launch on Tuesday, August 27 at 11:00 am PT and run for nine weeks before ending. The Lifeweaver buffs will most likely appear in Season 12, alongside other balancing changes like the tank buffs and the introduction of the new support hero, Juno. As the season approaches, Blizzard will reveal all the changes coming to the game.
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