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League of Legends: Gwen Mini Rework - Late Game Nerfed

League of Legends: Gwen Mini Rework - Late Game Nerfed

Riot Games has introduced significant changes to Gwen’s abilities, making this update feel like a mini-rework. The adjustments are designed to strengthen her presence in top lane early on, while reducing her jungle viability and overall late-game power.

The AP scaling for These changes indicate that Riot wants Gwen[1] to be a stronger laner in the early game, but they don’t want her dominating the jungle or scaling too hard into the late game. Let’s break down the changes for each ability.

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All Gwen Ability Changes

Passive - Nerfed 

Gwen’s passive has been nerfed in two ways:

These adjustments weaken Gwen’s ability to clear jungle camps quickly, forcing her back into top lane as her primary role.

Q – Buffed

The final hit of Gwen’s Q now deals more base damage at every rank. This means:

This buff helps Gwen win early duels and secure farm more reliably, but it doesn’t drastically change her late-game strength.

W – Strong Early, Weak Late

Gwen’s W has been adjusted to provide:

These changes make Gwen tankier in the early game, helping her survive aggressive laners, but make her late-game defenses weaker.

E – Stronger Early

Gwen’s E ability received multiple changes:

This makes Gwen’s E much stronger in the early game, giving her more mobility and damage in short trades. 

R – Lower Damage, Consistent Slow

Gwen’s ultimate received some adjustments:

These changes weaken Gwen’s late-game team fighting but help her control fights better in the early game with a stronger slow.

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What This Means for Gwen

Related: League of Legends: Naafiri Rework Hits PBE - New Ultimate.

Overall, Riot is pushing Gwen away from the jungle and reinforcing her as a top lane champion. We’ll see how these changes impact her win rate and whether she becomes a stronger early-game pick in solo queue.


  1. [1] "Gwen". Retrieved March 12, 2025
  2. [2] "Magic Resist". Retrieved March 12, 2025

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