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League of Legends: Gwen Mini Rework - Late Game Nerfed
Anthony King
12 Mar 2025
Posted On
Riot Games has introduced significant changes to Gwen’s abilities, making this update feel like a mini-rework. The adjustments are designed to strengthen her presence in top lane early on, while reducing her jungle viability and overall late-game power.
The AP scaling for These changes indicate that Riot wants Gwen[1] to be a stronger laner in the early game, but they don’t want her dominating the jungle or scaling too hard into the late game. Let’s break down the changes for each ability.
Additionally, if you are a Gwen main struggling to climb out of Low Elo, we highly recommend you to hire a professional LoL coach from Eloking to show you the ropes. Just don’t forget to use the code “BoostToday” for an excellent 20% discount.
Overall, Riot is pushing Gwen away from the jungle and reinforcing her as a top lane champion. We’ll see how these changes impact her win rate and whether she becomes a stronger early-game pick in solo queue.
[1] "Gwen". Retrieved March 12, 2025
[2] "Magic Resist". Retrieved March 12, 2025