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Blue Essence: What is Blue Essence in League of Legends?

Blue Essence is one of the in-game currencies in League of Legends. It is primarily used for unlocking and purchasing various in-game content, such as champions and champion mastery tokens. Blue Essence replaced the previous currency called Influence Points during the preseason in November 2017.

How Do You Earn Blue Essence in LoL?

Earning Blue Essence in League of Legends involves various in-game activities. One of the primary ways to accumulate BE is through completing matches. Players receive a base amount of BE after finishing a game, and the amount can be further increased based on factors such as match duration and whether the player won or lost. The longer the match and the more victories, the higher the Blue Essence reward.

Leveling up an account is another significant source of Blue Essence. As players gain experience points by playing matches and completing missions, they eventually level up. Upon leveling up, players receive a capsule that contains various rewards, including champion shards and Blue Essence. Champion shards can be disenchanted into BE or used to unlock new champions at a discounted cost.

Hextech Chests, which players can earn by achieving high grades in matches or through in-game events, may also contain champion shards that can be disenchanted for Blue Essence. Completing the first win of the day mission provides an additional bonus of BE, encouraging players to log in daily and participate in at least one match.

What is Blue Essence Used For?

Blue Essence serves as a crucial in-game currency with several primary uses. First and foremost, players can use Blue Essence to unlock champions permanently. Each champion has an associated BE cost, and players can spend their accumulated Blue Essence to expand their champion pool, allowing for greater flexibility in team composition and gameplay strategy.
Apart from unlocking champions, Blue Essence has additional uses in the game's economy. Players can use Blue Essence to purchase chromas, which are cosmetic items that provide alternative color schemes for champions' skins.

What's next?

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