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Critical Strike: What is Critical Strike in LoL?

What is Critical Strike in League of Legends?

critical strike in League of Legends refers to an attack that deals bonus damage beyond the usual damage of the attack. This bonus damage is determined by the critical strike chance and critical strike damage of the champion or item. 

When an attack critically strikes, it displays as a yellow number above the target's head, indicating the additional damage dealt.

Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage

Critical strike chance represents the probability that an attack will critically strike. Champions, items, and runes can all contribute to increasing critical strike chance. 

Critical strike damage, on the other hand, determines how much bonus damage a critical strike will deal. Items and champion abilities can augment critical strike damage.

Items and Abilities

Numerous items in LoL provide critical strike chance and critical strike damage amplification. Infinity Edge, for instance, is a staple item for champions reliant on critical strikes, offering a significant boost to both critical strike chance and damage. 

Some champions also possess abilities that interact with critical strikes, either by enhancing their frequency or empowering their effects.

Importance in Gameplay

Critical strikes play a pivotal role in LoL gameplay, particularly in the realm of physical damage dealers such as ADCs and certain AD assassins like Rengar. 

These champions often build items specifically geared towards maximizing critical strike chance and damage to unleash devastating bursts of damage during team fights or skirmishes.

Strategy and Counterplay

Understanding critical strikes is not only essential for utilizing them effectively but also for countering opponents who rely on them. Items that reduce critical strike damage or negate critical strike chance such as Randuin’s Omen can mitigate their impact, offering strategic options for players facing crit-centric champions.


In League of Legends, critical strikes add an extra layer of depth to combat mechanics. Mastery of critical strike mechanics can significantly enhance a player's effectiveness on the Rift, making it a crucial aspect of LoL gameplay to grasp for aspiring summoners.

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