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Division: What are divisions in League of Legends?

In League of Legends [1], a "division" is a sub-rank within a player's overall rank. The game uses a ranking [2]system to reflect a player's skill level, and each player is assigned a rank that reflects their performance in the game. The rank is divided into several divisions, each of which has its own name and icon.

For example, the rank of Bronze is divided into four divisions: Bronze IV, Bronze III, Bronze II, and Bronze I. Players start at the lowest division within their rank, and they can move up or down through the divisions based on their performance in the game.

The divisions in League of Legends serve several purposes. First, they provide a way for players to track their progress and see how they are improving over time. As a player moves up through the divisions, they can see that they are becoming a better player and achieving more success in the game.

Second, the divisions provide a way for players to compare themselves to other players within their rank. Players can see which division they are in, and they can compare their division to the divisions of other players in their rank to see how they stack up.

Overall, divisions in League of Legends are a way for players to track their progress, compare themselves to other players, and see how they are improving over time. By moving up through the divisions, players can become better players and achieve more success in the game.

Master, grandmaster, and challenger ranks, however, do not have divisions as they are what the game calls apex tiers. This means you move up or down depending on your current LP when compared to the LP (short for League Points) of other players also in the apex ranks. This also means there's no limit to how much LP a player can get. Keep winning and you'll keep getting LP.

If you find yourself in what players call ELO hell, which is being stuck in one rank or division for a long time, then here are 6 helpful LoL tips and tricks from professionals to help you get out of it as quickly as possible!

Are there divisions in unranked games?

In League of Legends, divisions are only used in ranked games. Ranked games are games that are played in the game's ranked queue, and they are used to determine a player's skill level and rank. In contrast, unranked games are games that are played in the game's normal queue, and they do not have any impact on a player's rank or division.

Unranked games are played for fun, and they do not have any consequences for a player's rank or division. Players can experiment with different champions [3], strategies, and builds in unranked games without worrying about losing rank or moving down through the divisions.

Is it possible to be placed in a wrong division?

In League of Legends, it is possible for a player to be placed in the wrong division after completing their placement matches. The game uses a ranking system to determine a player's skill level and rank, and the system is designed to accurately place players in the appropriate division based on their performance in the placement matches.

However, the ranking system is not perfect, and there are cases where a player may be placed in a division that does not accurately reflect their skill level. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as imbalanced matchmaking, unexpected results in the placement matches, or other factors.

If a player believes that they have been placed in the wrong division, they can play more games and try to improve their performance. As they play more games, the ranking system will adjust their rank and division based on their performance, and over time, they should be placed in a division that more accurately reflects their skill level.


  1. [1] "League of Legends official website". Retrieved September 06, 2024
  2. [2] "LoL ranks". Retrieved September 06, 2024
  3. [3] "LoL Champions page". Retrieved September 06, 2024

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