We have asked one of our challenger boosters in our team about some tips and tricks he wish he knew
back then before hitting the challenger rank and he filled us with some of very cool tips and tricks that we
are sharing with you today and it will definitely help you rank up or improve your gameplay.
When to forfeit the game
Most people just press the surrender button and forfeit the game over reasons what it's not necessarily a
loss just yet, sometimes it's just hard to determine when to forfeit because you won't want to give up a
winnable game but you also don't want to waste more time in a game that it is already lost. We think that
forfeiting should be necessary on three trinity factors, which are, scaling, wave clear and range; if your
team has better scale than the opponent's then it means a lot of things, scale just means their abilities
and champion kit is superior to most champions in the late game and the more impactful then the longer
the game goes. Wave clear is super important because it indicates how fast or slow you have to give
towers in the mid game when you are losing. Range is just as important because the longer your range
is on your abilities the further you can be away from your enemies as the game stalls, but none of this
important if their scale, wave clear and range is better than yours. So never forfeit no matter how behind
your team is, you can always comeback.
Dodging to climb
Dodging is really effective to climb elo because the maximum LP loss is significantly lower than actually
losing a game and you don't lose MMR for dodging so, as long as you are winning the games that should
be won, you will maintain higher gains than losses, then you will be able to climb to high elo with a higher
winrates. There are many factors that you can spot to validate a dodge, like if your team mate is only
really bad win streak then you should kind of expect his mentality of how determined his to be willing to
win the game, but make sure to only judge his recent matches on the same day or closer to that.
Laning Optimally
Playing your lane optimally has a lot to do with when your champion can actually pressure and your lane
and jungle matchup, for example, if you're playing Zedd and I'm versing a LeBlanc/Elise matchup, your
first priority should be isn't pushing the lane because you're dead if a single chain lands even if you flash,
but if you're versing Vladimir/Rengar, you can prioritize pushing, because they have a little threat to you
in the laning phase.
Mastering one role
In order to learn everything about a role you need to play over and over again so you become
experienced with it, the more you play it, the better you get, the chances if you winning a game will most
likely getting higher. So try to master specific champions for that positions so that you'll become a more
competitive player.
Being honest with yourself
If you're a silver or a gold player, you're likely not going to hit diamond in a week, if you're a bronze or an
iron player, you're likely not going to hit gold in a week. Getting better at this game takes time and most
importantly, patience, if you want to improve then you need to be honest with yourself and look at your
current skill level, put your ego aside, stop blaming your team mates and work on self improvement,
setting realistic goals with specific milestones in between will make you get to your next goal easier.
Maybe your goal is just to win one game per day, whatever it is it's important that you understand just
how much time and dedication it takes to get better, it's hard to slow things down and smell the roses
along the journey because we all want to see that finish lines of that challenger elo, however if you get
over this hurdle and learn to grow then you will become a much better player overall and a better person
Buying ELO Boost
If you need a helping hand reaching your desired rank, then Eloking should be your choice. Eloking has
a big number of professionals that could help you reach the rank of your dreams, so don't hesitate and
order League of Legends Elo Boost now.
What’s next?
Now that you have learned something new about League of Legends - it’s time you start playing and get better at the game. We can help!
Purchase Eloking League of Legends Boost right now
and start playing at the rank you deserve!
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