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Top 5 rarest player titles in Valorant

Top 5 rarest player titles in Valorant

Valorant players care a lot about how other players see them, whether it be buying the shiniest skins or equipping the most unique player card. However, one thing that usually goes unnoticed by low-level players is player titles. Every player has at least one player title, and having the rarest ones can be a sense of pride and accomplishment for players who worked hard to unlock it.

Today, we’re here to go through the rarest player titles in Valorant. Naturally, the rarest titles don’t necessarily have to be the toughest to acquire, so we’ll also go through the methods players have to follow if they want to acquire every title on the list.

So, without any further delay, here is our list of the top 5 rarest player titles in Valorant and how to get your hands on them.

What are Player Titles in Valorant?

Minimalist user interface with the text 'Super Shy Title' and an XP progress bar

Player titles are small titles underneath a person’s in-game name. Player titles are displayed in the lobby, on the friends list when the player is online, on the loading screen, and on the profile of the person who kills another player while having a title equipped.

What are the rarest player titles in Valorant?

Valorant has over 200 unique player titles that people can equip and show off to others. While some are accessible to everyone and easy to get, others are rare. The more rarer titles are those that players can’t purchase anymore or aren’t accessible to regular players. Here are some of the rarest player titles in Valorant.


Screenshot of Closed Beta Rewards screen in a videogame

This title is a subtle flex players can make towards people to show how long they’ve been playing Valorant. Riot Games rewarded the V1.0 title to people who played in the game’s closed beta phase from April 7, 2020, to May 28, 2020. 

</3 and <3

Valorant recently introduced the </3 and <3 titles as some of the newer additions. In February 2024, </3 and <3 were added to Valorant in celebration of Valentine’s Day. Players could obtain these titles by purchasing the Duo’s Day Collection, which has multiple items like graffiti sprays, weapon charms, player cards, and these two titles. 

Since people couldn’t buy these titles separately, they had to buy the whole bundle. If someone missed out on the bundle, then they’ll have to wait until February 2025 for the opportunity to purchase it again.

Fire-Born and Flex

Colorful promotional graphic for Valorant Ignite Capsule Collection featuring vibrant, fiery and floral designs

These two titles were added to Valorant when the game launched in China. While players could play in China previously, its official launch took place in July 2023. The game had a new bundle titled the Ignite Collection set, which includes fan knives, graffiti sprays, player cards, and the two titles to commemorate the release of Valorant in China. There is no way to buy this bundle now, making every item rare.


As the name implies, Riot introduced the Champion title to commemorate Valorant's first world championship in 2021. Riot Games launched a bundle during the event, giving half of the earnings to the teams. The bundle included multiple skins and titles, but it’s no longer available for players to purchase. Most players got the bundle, considering it was only 200VP, but since it was a 2021 exclusive title, it’s become one of the rarest titles in the game.

Pro Player Titles

Esports player kissing a trophy at a gaming event

While all the previously mentioned titles were accessible to most players, Riot only exclusively awards professional player titles to those who participated in official major tournaments. Some exclusive titles include the 2021 VCT Masters Winner, VCT Masters Berlin Winner, VCT Masters Madrid Winner, etc. Since these titles are only for professional players and not regular people, these are some of the rarest ones in the game.

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Do player titles in Valorant affect the gameplay?

Not at all. Riot Games prides itself in ensuring the playing field is always fair and equal for everyone. The skin a player purchases or the amount of time or effort someone puts into a game doesn’t directly affect their gameplay at all. 

Of course, more experience likely means better skill, but that isn’t always the case, which is why doing things like buying a Valorant boost can help take your skill to the next level.

How many player titles can you equip in Valorant?

Unfortunately, players can only equip one player title in Valorant. Fortunately, there’s no limit to how many player titles someone can have in their collection, and switching them out is as easy as can be.

What’s next?

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