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Top 5 best League of Legends ADCs for beginners
Anthony King
27 Feb 2025
Posted On
League of Legends [1] has multiple champion players from which to choose, from popular ones like Ahri and Lux to lesser-known ones like Zilean. However, while there are multiple roles players can fill, the one role that most newcomers tend to go for is ADC. After all, why wouldn't players want to play as champions who have the potential to deal massive damage to enemies, right? The only problem is what champions they should go for.
Today, we’re here to go through the top 5 best League of Legends ADCs for beginners. This list includes Jinx, Tristana, Caitlyn, Ashe, and Miss Fortune. As expected, we’ll also go through our reasoning for why all five of these champions are so excellent for beginners and some potential playing styles that can help you demolish the enemy.
So, without further ado, here are the top 5 best League of Legends ADCs for beginners. If you want to master other powerful ADC champions that require more practice, like Ezreal, then it may be a good idea to hire a professional LoL coach from Eloking to show you the ropes. Just don’t forget to use the code “BoostToday” for an excellent 20% discount.
5: Jinx
Jinx’s unique playstyle is fun and beginner-friendly. Her passive grants her bonus movement and attack speed whenever she gets a kill or an assist on an enemy champion, structure, or epic monster, encouraging players to participate in fights and push objectives, which are two key aspects of playing ADC.
Jinx’s Q allows her to toggle between her minigun and rocket launcher. The minigun increases her attack speed, while the rocket launcher increases her range and deals splash damage at the cost of mana. This toggle mechanic teaches beginners the importance of changing their playstyle depending on the situation.
Her W is a long-range skill shot that deals damage, slows, and reveals enemies when hit. This ability is incredible for poking opponents, getting vision, or chasing players. Jinx can use her E to place traps and root anyone who walks over them. These traps cost a lot of mana, so beginners must wisely use them for escaping or securing kills.
Jinx’s ultimate is a global skill shot that deals massive damage to the first champion it hits, dealing bonus damage based on the target’s missing health. This ability teaches players to be aware of the map.
4: Tristana
Tristana has a simple and effective kit. Her passive increases her attack range as she levels up, allowing her to stay safe during fights and scale well. This passive is incredible for beginners because it teaches them the importance of farming and gaining experience.
Her Q boosts her attack speed for a short period, making it easy for players to maximize their damage during fights. Her W is an incredible ability that lets her leap into a target location, dealing damage and slowing nearby opponents when landing. Players can use this to chase enemy champions or escape dangerous situations.
Her E places a bomb on an enemy that detonates after a short while. This ability is spectacular for trading in the lane and fighting under the enemy towers. Tristana’s ultimate knocks back an opponent and deals massive damage, making it perfect for peeling enemies off of her or securing kills.
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3: Caitlyn
Caitlyn is a long-range ADC who is excellent at poking, making her a great choice for beginners who prefer a safer playstyle. Her passive enhances her basic attacks after a few shots or when she traps an enemy in her W. This passive encourages players to consistently auto-attack.
Caitlyn’s Q is a linear skill shot that deals with every enemy in its path. This ability is incredible for clearing waves and poking in the lane, making it easy for beginners to apply pressure from afar. Her W places traps on the ground that root enemies who step on them. These traps are excellent for zoning and setting up kills, teaching players the importance of map control.
Caitlyn’s E allows her to dash backward while slowing and damaging enemies. This ability is perfect for escaping ganks or repositioning in fights, making her a forgiving champion for beginners.
Her ultimate is a long-range snipe that locks onto a single target. It’s excellent for securing kills or finishing off low-health enemies. Caitlyn’s long-range abilities and safe playstyle make her one of the best ADCs for beginners.
2: Ashe
Ashe is one of the simplest ADCs in the entire game. Her passive slows enemies down with her basic attacks, making it easier for new players to kite or chase opponents. Players can use this passive to understand the fundamentals of positioning and orb-walking.
Her Q enhances her attack speed and transforms her basic attacks into a flurry of arrows. This ability is simple and rewards players for consistently auto-attacking in fights. Beginners can practice their attack-move mechanics and maximize their damage output using it.
Ashe’s W is a cone-shaped skill shot that fires multiple arrows to slow and damage every enemy. It’s an excellent ability for poking and clearing waves. Her E provides her vision of a large area, which helps new players avoid ganks and check bushes.
Ashe’s ultimate is a global skill shot that stuns the first enemy it collides with. It requires some practice to land at long range, but it’s rewarding when used correctly. Her blend of utility, simplicity, and team-fight impact makes her one of the best choices for new players.
1: Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune is the most beginner-friendly ADC in League of Legends. She has a simple yet effective kit, making her an excellent choice for players learning bot lane. Her passive allows her to deal bonus damage to a new target, encouraging players to switch targets during fights.
Her Q is a point-and-click ability that bounces off an initial target to hit someone behind it. This ability is great for poking and securing kills if the second shot crits, teaching players the importance of positioning because the second shot requires careful positioning.
Miss Fortune’s W increases her movement speed when not taking damage, making it easier for new players to reposition or retreat. Her E is an area-of-effect attack that slows champions down. Players can use this ability to chase opponents or run away from them. Her ultimate is a powerful ability that deals massive damage in a cone-shaped area. It’s a simple ultimate because the player doesn’t need precise aiming.
What is an ADC in League of Legends?
ADC is a role typically played in the bot lane alongside a support. ADCs rely on basic attacks and scaling items to deal sustained damage, making them crucial for late-game team fights. They usually have high DPS but low survivability, requiring good positioning and team protection.
What are the best ADC champions for beginners?
For new players, easy-to-learn ADCs include Miss Fortune, Ashe, and Caitlyn. They have simple mechanics, strong laning phases, and effective abilities that don’t rely heavily on perfect positioning or kiting. These champions help beginners understand ADC fundamentals before moving to more complex picks.
How can I improve as an ADC?
To improve, focus on last-hitting minions, maintaining good positioning, and optimizing attack-move kiting to stay safe while dealing damage. Learning trading patterns in lane, watching pro ADC players, and communicating with your support for better synergy can also help maximize your impact in games.