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League of Legends: New AD & AP Item Changes in Patch 14.18

League of Legends: New AD & AP Item Changes in Patch 14.18

As the stage is set for the World Championship, Riot Games has rolled out significant changes to several AD and AP items in Patch 14.18. These adjustments aim to fine-tune item power levels to ensure a balanced and competitive environment during the tournament. 

Patch 14.18 introduces a mix of buffs and nerfs to both AD and AP items. Bloodthirster and Immortal Shieldbow receive notable nerfs, particularly affecting their lifesteal and shielding capabilities. Trinity Force sees adjustments to its attack speed, while AP items like Luden’s Companion, Shadowflame and Stormsurge undergo changes that tweak their power and utility. 

So without further delay, here’s a detailed breakdown of all the item changes this patch:

AD Item Changes

Screenshot of the Bloodthirster item in a video game showing stats and price


Bloodthirster, a staple for AD champions seeking sustain, has received a notable nerf in this patch.

Immortal Shieldbow

Immortal Shieldbow, known for its life-saving shield, sees changes that vary depending on the champion type.

Trinity Force

Trinity Force, a key item for bruisers, has received adjustments that affect its attack speed and on-hit speed boost.

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AP Item Changes

Screenshot of the 'Stormsurge' item in a fantasy game showing stats and abilities

Luden’s Tempest

Luden’s Tempest, a popular item for burst mages, sees a mix of buffs and nerfs in this patch.


Shadowflame, an item favored by mages for its burst potential, has undergone several adjustments.


Stormsurge, designed for AP champions looking to amplify their burst potential, has received a mixture of buffs and nerfs.

Related: League of Legends: AD Lethality Varus is Coming Back.

These item changes are set to shape the meta as teams prepare for the World Championship. Whether these buffs and nerfs will lead to new strategies or reinforce existing ones remains to be seen. Players and fans alike will be watching closely to see how these changes impact the gameplay on the biggest stage.

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