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Here’s how to play Invisible Woman in Marvel Rivals
Hamza Rashid
19 Jan 2025
Posted On
Marvel Rivals [1] is out with its first season and fans new and old are flocking to it. One of the biggest reasons so many players are hopping into the game is because of Invisible Woman. Those who watched the reels of either her reveal trailer or her Malice skin will know exactly why so many players are playing as her.
However, what some players may not know is that Invisible Woman is arguably one of the better Strategists in Marvel Rivals. Today, we’re here to go through everything players need to know about playing as Invisible Woman in Marvel Rivals, including what her abilities are and some different play styles players can utilize.
So, without further ado, here is how you can play Invisible Woman in Marvel Rivals like a professional.
Invisible Woman’s abilities in Marvel Rivals
Orb Projection (Basic attack): Launches a force field that goes through heroes and returns to Invisible Woman after flying a set distance. It heals allies and damages enemies.
Invisible Boundary (Ultimate): Summons an unseen boundary that turns teammates invisible and heals them. Enemies who go into the field are slowed.
Psionic Vortex: Throws an orb with psionic energy. Players can press the ability button again to make it erupt into a small vortex that draws in enemies and damages them.
Force Physics: Fires a beam-like energy to push or pull opponents toward the player.
Agile Strike: A three-hit melee combo, where the third attack will launch enemies up.
Veiled Step: It’s like a double jump, activating invisibility while generating a force field at the player’s feet.
Guardian Shield: Grants a shield to a teammate that blocks damage and heals them and nearby allies. Enemies that go through the shield are slowed.
Covert Advance (Passive): Become invisible and heal if the player hasn’t been in combat for a short period.
Fantasti-Force (Team-Up) (Passive): Invisible Woman gives every Fantastic Four hero damage resistance and bonus health.
Healing and supporting teammates as Invisible Woman
Since she’s a Strategist, Invisible Woman excels at healing. Her basic attack, Orb Projection, can heal multiple allies when bounced between them. Players should position themselves in a way that lets them heal many teammates simultaneously with a single attack.
One strategy players can use is targeting enemies through allies, allowing them to heal teammates and damage opponents. This synergy makes her incredibly powerful during team fights.
Invisible Woman’s Guardian Shield is essential for saving teammates, especially those in low health. Players should coordinate with diving characters and shield them to heal them while slowing down opponents to secure easy kills.
Survivability and combat tips for Invisible Woman
Invisible Woman’s toolkit allows her to excel during situations where enemies can push her. Veiled Step is an excellent escape mechanism, turning the player invisible by double jumping. Using this alongside the Covert Advance passive allows users to retreat, reposition, and regain health.
Force Physics is another key ability for survival. Invisible Woman can push enemies away when she’s in danger or can pull them into her team to get easy eliminations. During 1v1s, players should focus on hitting the enemy’s feet with their primary attack because it will hit the ground and quickly return, allowing them to deal more damage.
Players should use the Psionic Vortex to trap enemies during team fights. Place the ability in places that can begin to deal damage to opponents while keeping them within the team’s range. If the enemy with low HP tries to escape, use Force Physics to finish them off.
How to effectively use Invisible Woman’s ultimate
Invisible Boundary is a powerful ability for offense and defense. Its healing and invisibility properties boost the team’s survivability, while its slowing effect increases offensive capabilities. This ability is strong when everyone is around the same area, like during overtime.
To maximize its impact, players must deploy the ability on contested points. The healing and invisibility can counter strong enemy ultimates, like Psylocke’s, giving the entire team an advantage. Combining this ability with Psionic Vortex allows the team to get easy kills if they’re already in the ultimate.
Best team compositions for Invisible Woman
Invisible Woman works well with teams with numerous squishy characters with high damage. Her shielding and healing abilities make her an incredible support for damage-dealing heroes who need protection.
Punisher is a great combo because he can set up a turret behind Invisible Woman’s shield to deal damage while being safe. She excels pairing with diving characters like Venom because the player can shield the character to heal them while slowing down opponents.
Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic team up
While Invisible Woman will likely get more team up abilities as new characters come out, the only one she has at the time of writing is Mr. Fantastic. When activated, Invisible Woman grants Mister Fantastic a new ability, which gives him increased damage resistance and continually generates bonus health.
This allows Mr. Fantastic to keep fighting while having abilities that Vanguards and other Strategists would otherwise give him. With that being said, this team up isn’t nearly as powerful as some other team ups in Marvel Rivals, though it’s a nice little bonus.
Tips and tricks for Invisible Woman in Marvel Rivals
Orb Projection: Players should position themselves so that they can heal teammates or damage opponents in the orb's return path.
Psionic Vortex: Use this ability to control enemy positioning or drop flying enemies to secure easy kills.
Force Physics: Utilize this ability near ledges to push enemies outside the map for a free kill.
Veiled Step: Try using the ability pre-emptively if the team’s gone to reposition to safety.
Why do so many players love Invisible Woman so much?
The biggest reason so many Marvel Rivals players like Invisible Woman so much is because of how conventionally attractive she is. Unlike other hero shooters like Concord and Overwatch 2, players believe Marvel Rivals’ developers ensured characters are conventionally attractive instead of “pondering” to certain groups.
With that being said, there’s only so much attractive looks can do. Most players continue playing Invisible Woman because she’s a fun Strategist. Her abilities have the potential to keep players alive with massive healing. Additionally, she can also hide her teammates to ensure the enemy members aren’t able to see.
Will more members of the Fantastic Four come to Marvel Rivals?
Marvel Rivals already has two of the four Fantastic Four members. While Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic have already been added to the game, The Thing and Johnny Storm have also been confirmed to be coming to Marvel Rivals in Season 1.
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