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Top 10 most expensive League of Legends skins

Top 10 most expensive League of Legends skins

League of Legends may be a free-to-play game but that doesn’t mean developer Riot Games doesn’t get a huge amount of money through the game every single year. As a matter of fact, League of Legends is one of the most profitable games around. While this is largely thanks to the esports scene and the merchandise the game sells, the in-game cosmetics play a huge role too.

Case in point, all of the skins players can purchase in-game to personalize how their favorite Champions look. While some skins are rather inexpensive and can even be acquired without spending any actual money, the same can’t be said for all of the skins in the game. Today, we’re here to focus on the most expensive games in League of Legends so you can determine whether it’s worth the money.

So, without further ado, here are the ten most expensive skins in League of Legends. If you don’t like spending money on skins and want to spend your money on something that actually helps you improve, you can always buy a League of Legends boost from Eloking to get to the rank you deserve.

What are the top 10 most expensive League of Legends skins?

Magical fantasy character with pink hair surrounded by mystical creatures

League of Legends has been around for over a decade, and Riot has added numerous skins. Many of these skins add effects and transformations to the game that can enhance the experience. Even though many of these cosmetics are high quality, some skins have a high asking price that may or may not be worth it. Here are the top ten costliest League of Legends skins:

10: Rusty Blitzcrank

Futuristic robot in a rainy dystopian setting

This list starts with the Rusty Blitzcrank skin. It’s one of the oldest skins in the game, having launched on November 20, 2009. It has one of the most unique designs, albeit very simple. The reason it’s rare is that the skin was removed from the in-game store soon after its launch.

Due to its uncommon nature, it’s sought after by League of Legends players, and people usually sell it for around $70.

9: Champion Riven (2012)

Two fantasy warriors facing each other on a mountain with mystical energy

Riot Games rewarded players who attended the Season Two World Championship event with the Champion Riven skin. After Riot gave the cosmetic to everyone, players wore it in almost every match and lobby. Since its release, the Championship Riven has been flooded into the resell market for about $400.

The market price was reduced to about $130 when the skin was reintroduced in 2015. However, the only twist is that a person can get this skin by correctly predicting who will win every tournament.

8: Silver Kayle

Mysterious fantasy character wielding magic in a dark setting

While League of Legends is a free game that fans can download online through the Riot Games website, players could purchase the game from gaming stores or electronics stores more than a decade ago to get a physical copy of the title.

By buying the physical copy of League of Legends, players could obtain the Silver Kayle skin that’s impossible to get anymore. Now, these cost 140$.

7: Victorious Jarvan IV

Fantasy warrior with spear and shield ready for battle

Riot Games awarded the Victorious Jarvan IV skin to players who dominated an original-rated season. In 2011, players who could successfully play well in that season got the Jarvan IV skin, starting the tradition for later League of Legends seasons.

As the pioneer of the Victorious Skin series, the Victorious Jarvan IV is highly sought after in the League of Legends community, with players willing to pay $160. While one of the first Victorious skins, it’s also a nice-looking skin, so players can flex wearing it. 

6: Young Ryze

Fantasy warrior casting a magic spell

The Young Ryze skin is considered one of the most expensive skins in the game because the only way to get it was by preordering League of Legends in 2009. The number of people who preordered the title was even less than those who got the game physically when it launched.

Due to the skin’s rarity, players pay around $180 for it on the secondhand market.

5: PAX Jax

Mysterious figure in blue hat wielding a staff in a foggy forest

PAX is a gaming convention held every year, and sometimes Riot would show up there to drop goodies for attending people. People who attended the conference in 2010 could get a physical card from Riot with an exclusive code. When entering the code, players could get the PAX Jax skin.

Collecting that card and code is difficult now, but superfans can still find them through online selling platforms like eBay. Nowadays, these codes cost around $185 or higher.

4: PAX Sivir

Female superhero flying over a futuristic cityscape

Riot Games gave the PAX skin to people who attended the event in 2011. It’s not as rare as the PAX Jax skin, but it’s still relatively scarce compared to other popular cosmetics in the game.

Its cost is similar to the skin Riot Games gave out the previous year. People often sell the PAX Sivir skin for $185 or higher.

3: Black Alistar

Illustration of a fantasy demon warrior with a fiery background

Similar to the Young Ryze skin, the Black Alistar skin was also preordered. However, this skin is rarer than its brother, and even now, it is one of the most difficult to get skins in League of Legends. 

If someone has this skin, they’ve most likely been playing since the game’s launch. Nowadays, this skin sells for around $220 if someone is lucky enough to find it in marketplaces.

2: PAX Twisted Fate

Mystical blue character casting magic with cards against a dark swirling background

What sets the PAX Twisted Fate apart from the other PAX skins is that this was given to players in 2009 when League of Legends was still unknown in the gaming community. Another thing that makes it unique is that it was available for the first 20,000 people who could come to the League of Legends booth. 

Like other PAX cosmetics, people were given a physical code to redeem. When looking at the secondary market, the price for this skin is around $300 or more.

1: Signature Immortalized Legend Ahri

Majestic fantasy queen with enchanted armor surrounded by swirling petals

Ending our list is the skin from the Hall of Legends 2024 Faker Bundle. The Signature Immortalized Legend Ahri skin is the most expensive League skin ever, costing 59,260RP, about $450 in real-world currency. Imagine how much it will cost when the cosmetic goes off-sale and enters the secondary market. 

As a matter of fact, Riot Games was under a lot of controversy thanks to this specific skin. While in-game currency is understandably sought-after, which means developers can theoretically put whatever price tag they want on them, close to $500 real world dollars is just too much. When you consider that some countries have their minimum wage under the $450 amount, you have yourself a problem.

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Do skins help you improve?

Not at all. Riot Games prides itself in ensuring that every in-game purchasable item is purely cosmetical. This ensures every match is fair and League of Legends never goes the pay-to-win route. The company did the same thing with its FPS game Valorant.

What’s next?

Now that you have learned something new about League of Legends - it’s time you start playing and get better at the game. We can help! Purchase Eloking League of Legends Boost right now and start playing at the rank you deserve!

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