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How to see how many games you've played in League of Legends

How to see how many games you've played in League of Legends

League of Legends is one of the most popular games out there, with it having millions of players all over the world. Anyone considering going pro in the MOBA title must know their total number of played games to understand where they are at skills-wise, and that's what we're here to help you with.

Today, we're here to go through the three methods you can use to check how many games you've played in your League of Legends career. These methods are very similar to finding out how much time you've spent in the game, and they include using the client, the post-game lobby, or a third-party website. 

There are various methods you can use to check this specific statistic, and we're about to go through all of them today. If you want to make the future games you play count, we recommend you play them with a professional-level teammate. You can even use the code "BoostToday" for a 20% discount.

1. Through the Client

Screenshot of League of Legends 2023 showing support and mid player stats

Like any competitive game, League of Legends has an option that lets you check how many games you've played. To check how many games you've played through the LoL client, all you need to do is:

  1. Open the League of Legends client
  2. Click on your profile icon in the corner
  3. Find the "Stats" tab and click it
  4. Hover your mouse over different stats to check their details
  5. Hover over specific champions to see how many games you've played with them.

By default, these will only show you the number of games you've played in the current season, but you can change it and look at the stats of previous seasons through the filter options. Thanks to the filter option, you can check how many games you've played across all modes.

2. Via the Post-Game Lobby

While this method isn't as good as the previous one, it's something you'll be visiting more often because it's shown after every match in the post-game lobby. For this method, follow these steps:

  1. Play a game of League of Legends
  2. Finish the game
  3. Let the post-game lobby load 
  4. Check out your statistics in the post-game lobby

And that's pretty much it! One thing worth noting is that it's a bit limited as it only shows the number of games you've played that specific season in the game mode you just played.

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One game lol Rank 1
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$12.00 $2.50 per game

3. Third-Party Websites 

Mobalytics logo with tagline 'Analytics for Competitive Gamers' on a dark background

You can also find numerous third-party websites that provide all kinds of statistics, including how many games you've played. These websites usually take data from your match history and provide details other than what the game client shows. Some good options are: 

An important thing to know is that these services require your match history to be public, so it won't work if you've set it to private. Another thing to remember is that third-party websites are never 100% accurate, so try to compare results among different sources for a clearer picture.

If you have too many hours on the game, take a break to avoid burning out. Not only will it help you keep your passion for the game, but it will also help you stay healthy mentally and physically, which is just as important as winning the game. Also, stand up and walk around for a bit every hour.

Now you know how to check how many games you've played in LoL, and as a side, know how many hours you've spent. Remember to enjoy the journey, try to develop as a player, and don't get disheartened by your playtime! If you had fun, it was time well spent, and there's not much to regret.

What’s next?

Now that you have learned something new about League of Legends - it’s time you start playing and get better at the game. We can help! Purchase Eloking League of Legends Boost right now and start playing at the rank you deserve!

Alternatively, you can Join our Discord Server & participate in various giveaways!

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