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Dodge: What does dodging a match mean?

Dodging a match in League of Legends refers to intentionally skipping selecting a Champion, resulting in everyone in the lobby being sent back to the search queue. This can occur during the champion selection phase, where players pick their characters and set up their team composition before the game begins.

Why Do Players Dodge Matches?

Dodging is typically done for strategic reasons or to avoid playing under unfavorable conditions. One common reason is to avoid playing with or against certain players who may be known for poor behavior, trolling, or intentionally losing games. Another reason might be to avoid playing a game where the team composition appears to be heavily imbalanced or unfavorable.

However, the most common reason is definitely that the player realized they didn’t want to play that particular match. This could be because they want to play with a friend who just came online or they suddenly realize they have other responsibilities or obligations to get to.

What is the punishment for dodging?

The penalties for dodging a match in League of Legends depend on whether you’re playing a ranked match or a normal one.

For normal matches:

On the other hand, if you dodge ranked games, the penalties are more severe, as these games are competitive:

What's next?

Now that you have learned something new about League of Legends - it's time you start playing and get better at the game. We can help! Explore LoL Boost Services and start playing at the rank you deserve!

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