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Fast 8: What does it mean to Fast 8 in TFT?

The phrase, Fast 8, means when a player tries to get as many 5-cost units as possible in their team composition in the match, then level them up to 9. This strategy guarantees a win in mid to lower-ranked games due to 5-cost units' striking and defensive power.

Earlier in the game’s lifespan, Players called Fast 8 the Jeff Bezos comp or the Bill Gates comp since players needed lots of gold to pull the strategy successfully. It was hard in the early days of TFT [1] since players didn't know how to play the game properly, but as the title grew older, fans got better and understood it more, leading to more efficient and successful Fast 8 executions.

How to Fast 8 in TFT?

One of the easiest ways to pull off the Fast 8 technique is by going on a five consecutive loss or five consecutive win streak. By getting into a streak, it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll get enough money to upgrade your Little Legend to level 8 by round 4-3 or 4-5. Keep an eye on your HP and make sure it doesn’t reach 0. If it’s close to depleting and your Little Legend is not close to leveling up, abandon the strategy altogether. 

Also, use the correct Augments at every opportunity you get. Every time you have the option to pick up an Augment, get the economy one so you can level up your Little Legend quickly. However, if you don’t have enough HP and your team is about to die, go for the combat Augment. Prioritize carefully and select an Augment depending on your team’s situation. If you've executed the strategy successfully, you’ll have level 8 Little Legends by Round 4-5 or earlier.


  1. [1] "TFT page". Retrieved May 30, 2024

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