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Fog of War: What is the fog of war in League of Legends?

The fog of war in League of Legends is a game mechanic that represents areas of the map that are obscured from a player’s view until they explore or send units to reveal them. Once explored, the area remains visible, but any enemy movement within it becomes hidden again unless actively scouted. 

Now, there is more than one way to make the fog of war visible to the team on the map. Some Champion’s abilities, for example, give players visibility in the targeted part of the map. One good example of this is Ashe [1], who can shoot an arrow to give her entire team temporary visibility wherever the arrow goes.

Additionally, arguably the most popular way to remove the fog of war is to use wards. Wards can be placed in key locations to give the entire team visibility there. Not only does this save time as players don’t have to constantly facecheck, but players can give a callout when placing the ward to alert their entire team that there’s a ward there. If the ward is destroyed before it naturally expires, the entire team can safely assume there’s an enemy there.


  1. [1] "Ashe Champion page". Retrieved November 05, 2024

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