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Kiting: What is Kiting in LoL?

What is Kiting in LoL?

Kiting, also known as orb walking, is the practice of attacking and moving simultaneously to maximize damage output while minimizing the risk of retaliation. This technique primarily revolves around exploiting the attack animation of your champion to optimize positioning during engagements. 

By attacking, then repositioning, and repeating this cycle, players can effectively control spacing and dictate the flow of combat.

How to Execute Kiting Effectively?

Executing kiting effectively requires precise timing, awareness of cooldowns, and understanding champion mechanics. Here's a step-by-step breakdown:

Why is Kiting Essential in LoL?

Kiting is more than just a flashy maneuver; it's a fundamental skill that can tip the scales in favor of skilled players. Here's why it's essential:

Which Champions Benefit Most from Kiting?

Champions with ranged attacks, mobility, or crowd control benefit most from kiting. Examples include Vayne, Caitlyn, Ashe for marksmen, and Cassiopeia, Orianna for mages. Melee champions like Fiora, Yasuo with quick dashes also utilize kiting for dueling prowess.

In conclusion, mastering kiting elevates a player's proficiency in LoL, unlocking new avenues for outplaying opponents and securing victories. By integrating kiting into your gameplay repertoire and continually refining your technique, you'll gain a competitive edge on the Summoner's Rift.


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