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LPL: What is LPL in League of Legends?

Similar to LCS, LPL, or League of Legends Pro League [1], is the highest-level professional league for LoL players in China. The first season of the LPL was in the spring of 2013, and since then they've been holding the tournament twice every year, once in spring and then again in summer.

Their motto being crazy is our game, they have the backing of Tencent, which is not only one of the highest-grossing multimedia companies in the world based on revenue but also the largest company in the entire video game industry. Safe to say they won't be having money problems any time soon.

Speaking of money, only a league with such a strong backing could afford to pay the Yen 2,350,000 prize pool that the LPL has. Though, fortunately for all the skilled players playing in it, Riot Games also broadcast it in the English language so that League fans all around the world could watch them.

What is the LPL championship format?

While they've changed their format multiple times over the years, it seems their new one is here to stay. How it works is that, in the regular season, all 16 teams compete in one group with all matches being best-of-three. The top eight teams then advance to playoffs where all matches are best-of-five.

The winner of the spring split represents China at the Mid-Season Invitational [2], while the winner of the summer split, the team with the most championship points, and the winner and runners-up of the regional qualifier all qualify for the World Championship.


  1. [1] "LPL Liquipedia page". Retrieved June 28, 2024
  2. [2] "Liquipedia MSI page". Retrieved June 28, 2024

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