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Skirmish: What are skirmishes in MOBAs like League of Legends?

A skirmish is a small battle or encounter between players or teams outside the main objectives. Unlike other battles, skirmishes are always on a lower scale and end as quickly as they start. In MOBAs like League of Legends or Dota 2, small squads or players can randomly encounter their opponents in areas besides the objective, like jungles, where the winner gets various rewards and gives their entire team an advantage.

A skirmish doesn’t necessarily have the same meaning throughout games. For example, a skirmish is a small fight in MOBAs, but it’s an entire mode in Overwatch [1]. In Overwatch, players can enter skirmish mode while queueing for matches, allowing them to fight against others without objectives.

How to win skirmishes in League of Legends

There are three things players must know to win a skirmish in League of Legends.

Players must learn to manage waves because they can use them to gain a massive advantage and win skirmishes. For example, always look where the minion wave is if someone is fighting in the bottom lane. If the wave is near the enemy’s tower, the tower will start attacking the player instead of the enemy.

Always look at the minimap before picking a fight. Players must confirm that a jungler isn’t nearby because they can turn the battle from a 1v1 to a 1v2, putting them at a disadvantage.

Find out if the player’s champion is good in a 1v1 situation or if they excel against a specific character. If they do, it’s a good idea to take them on to get rewards, but if not, don’t engage so that the enemy doesn’t give their team an advantage.


  1. [1] "Overwatch 2 website". Retrieved September 05, 2024

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