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Jungler: What does a jungler do in League of Legends?

Jungler is the role in League of Legends that doesn't have anything to do with lanes, but instead the area in between all the lanes. That area is called the jungle, hence why the role is called jungler.

A jungler's task is to kill the monsters located in between lanes of the rift, including the river that divides it, in order to keep up with their teammates when it comes to gold and XP. In a typical 5v5 match, there's always one jungler.

Unlike minions, monsters are neutral and don't fight for either team. If you attack it, it will attack you back. In addition, they do not move from their spawning points. Even when following you, if they start going too far from their spawn then they'll turn around and go back.

There are some important tasks that only a jungler [1]can perform. For example, their roaming nature prevents enemy champions from spotting the jungler through the fog of war (fog that prohibits you from seeing the location of enemies on the map). This allows for unexpected positioning and surprise attacks, commonly referred to as ganks.

Their ability to freely traverse the map without being tied to a lane also allows them to support lanes when in the area, such as warding key locations without forcing someone else to abandon their lane and coming to an ally's aid when they come under duress.

Being a jungler, however, is not an easy task. It takes patience and skill to effectively fill the role. To help new and old players alike, we have written a guide on all LoL roles which will surely help you find the best role for you.

What is the main objective of junglers?

The main objective of junglers in League of Legends [2] is to farm the jungle and use the resources and power they gain from this farming to help their team win the game. By farming the jungle, junglers gain access to powerful abilities and resources that can help their team in various ways, and their actions can have a significant impact on the outcome of the game.

How often should junglers gank?

The frequency with which junglers should gank in League of Legends depends on a variety of factors, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The amount of ganking that a jungler should do will depend on their own playstyle, the state of the game, and the needs of their team.

Generally speaking, junglers should aim to gank as often as they can, while still maintaining a strong presence in the jungle. Ganking is an important part of a jungler's role, as it allows them to provide assistance to their allies in other lanes and help their team gain an advantage. However, junglers should not gank so frequently that they neglect their own farming and become weak themselves. Instead, they should aim to strike a balance between ganking and farming, and gank as often as they can while still maintaining a strong presence in the jungle.

Overall, the frequency with which junglers should gank in League of Legends will depend on a variety of factors, and will vary from game to game. Junglers should aim to gank as often as they can, while still maintaining a strong presence in the jungle and ensuring that they are not neglecting their own farming. By striking a balance between ganking and farming, junglers can provide valuable support to their allies and help their team win the game.

Should junglers go to enemy jungle?

In general, junglers in League of Legends should not go to the enemy jungle unless they have a specific reason to do so. The enemy jungle is the area of the map controlled by the enemy team, and it is typically not a good idea for a jungler to venture into this area unless they have a specific plan or strategy in mind.

Going to the enemy jungle can be risky, as it puts the jungler in a vulnerable position. In the enemy jungle, the jungler is far from their own team and can be easily ganked or killed by the enemy team. Additionally, the enemy team will be able to see the jungler on their minimap, which can give them an advantage and allow them to plan their strategy accordingly.

However, there may be times when it is necessary or beneficial for a jungler to go to the enemy jungle. For example, a jungler may need to go to the enemy jungle in order to steal the enemy team's buffs or to set up a gank on an enemy laner. In these cases, the jungler may need to weigh the potential risks and rewards of going to the enemy jungle, and make a decision based on their own judgement and the needs of their team.

Overall, while junglers in League of Legends should not go to the enemy jungle unless they have a specific reason to do so, there may be times when it is necessary or beneficial to do so. In these cases, the jungler should carefully consider the potential risks and rewards before making a decision.


  1. [1] "Jungler Fandom page". Retrieved June 28, 2024
  2. [2] "Official League of Legends page". Retrieved June 28, 2024

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