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Stunned: What Does Being Stunned Mean in League of Legends?

In League of Legends, a stun is a form of crowd control (CC) effect that temporarily prevents a champion from performing any actions. When stunned, a champion cannot move, use abilities, auto-attack, or activate items. Stuns are among the most disruptive CC effects in the game, as they render a champion completely immobile and unable to respond.

How Do Stuns Work in Gameplay?

Stuns are often used to lock down high-priority targets or set up combos in team fights. When a champion is stunned, they become vulnerable, allowing enemy champions to land skillshots or burst them down. Stuns can be single-target, like Leona’s Q, or area-of-effect, like Annie’s Tibbers summon. 

Some stuns have a fixed duration, while others may be affected by factors such as crowd control reduction (tenacity).

Which Champions Use Stuns Effectively?

Many champions in League of Legends possess abilities that can stun. Champions like Sona with her Ult and Twisted Fate with his Gold Card are known for reliable stuns. Tanks and support champions also frequently have stuns to initiate fights or peel for allies. For instance, Alistar and Braum use stuns to disrupt enemies and protect teammates.

Can Stuns Be Countered?

Yes, stuns can be countered or reduced. Tenacity[1] is an important stat that reduces the duration of stuns and other crowd control effects. Certain abilities, like Morgana’s E, also grant immunity to stuns, while items like Mercury's Treads provide tenacity to reduce stun duration. Additionally, Cleanse can be used to remove certain stuns, allowing for a quick escape.


Understanding stuns in League of Legends is crucial for effective gameplay, whether you're aiming to control enemies or avoid being locked down. Stuns can change the course of fights by immobilizing key targets, making them one of the most powerful forms of crowd control.


  1. [1] "Tenacity". Retrieved November 05, 2024

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