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Rocket Jumping: What is Rocket Jumping in Overwatch 2?

Rocket jumping is a movement technique that allows players to propel themselves using explosive force, gaining mobility and access to elevated positions. In Overwatch 2, this concept is best represented by Pharah, a Damage-role hero known for her aerial prowess and powerful rockets. Pharah's ability to rocket jump is central to her playstyle, giving her unparalleled mobility in battles.

How Does Rocket Jumping Work for Pharah?

Pharah’s Concussive Blast and Jump Jet abilities enable her to replicate rocket jumping mechanics. Here’s how each contributes:

Why Is Rocket Jumping Important for Pharah?

Rocket jumping is essential for Pharah’s effectiveness in Overwatch 2. It provides:

  1. Enhanced Mobility: Staying airborne with rocket jumps allows Pharah to evade ground-based threats and maintain a positional advantage.
  2. Strategic Positioning: Rocket jumping lets her access elevated positions for better sightlines, improving her ability to rain down rockets from above.
  3. Aggressive Play: By combining rocket jumping with her primary fire, Pharah can dive onto enemies or reposition quickly to secure kills.

How to Master Rocket Jumping with Pharah?


Mastering rocket jumping with Pharah in Overwatch 2 is key to maximizing her aerial mobility and combat effectiveness. By combining her Jump Jet and Concussive Blast, players can control the battlefield from above, evade threats, and secure strategic positions, making her a challenging and rewarding hero to play in any match, specially with the combo of Pharmercy.


  1. [1] "Pharah". Retrieved December 06, 2024
  2. [2] "Jump Jet". Retrieved December 06, 2024


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