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ADS: What does aiming down site mean in Valorant?

In Valorant, "aiming down sights" (ADS) refers to the action of looking down the sights of a weapon to improve accuracy. Unlike some other shooter games where aiming down sights is a default mechanic, in Valorant, not all weapons have an ADS option. Generally, only certain weapons, such as sniper rifles like the Operator, offer this feature.

As a rule of thumb, pistols and some shotguns don’t have the option to aim down the site. Fortunately, guns like the Vandal and Phantom do, along with Outlaw, the recent addition to the Valorant armory.

When a player aims down sights in Valorant, their field of view narrows, providing a zoomed-in view of the target. This can make it easier to hit enemies at longer distances, as it increases precision and reduces bullet spread. However, aiming down sights also reduces movement speed and increases the time it takes to transition between aiming and shooting, so it's important for players to use it strategically depending on the situation.

When should you ADS in Valorant?

In Valorant, there are several situations where aiming down sights can be beneficial for you, although things mostly depend on the circumstances of your match.

On the other hand, there are also scenarios where aiming down the site of your gun might be a bad idea. These scenarios include:

What's next?

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