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Trading: What Does it Mean to Trade in Valorant?

Trading in Valorant means exchanging kills with the enemy in a short amount of time. For example, if you and your teammate push the site at the same time and the enemy Jett kills your teammate, then trading would mean you take the Jett down too shortly after to ensure things stay equal.

In simpler terms, trading refers to a strategic aspect of gameplay where one player eliminates an opponent, usually at the cost of their own life, in order to create a numerical advantage for their team. 

This typically occurs in scenarios where both players engage in combat simultaneously, resulting in one player's death before the other. While the player who initiated the trade may lose their life, their team gains an advantage by having one less opponent to contend with, making it easier to secure map control or objectives.

How To Trade Better in Valorant

If you want to improve your trade skills in Valorant, you can consider going for the following tips:

What's next?

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