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Backdoor: What is Backdooring in League of Legends?

In League of Legends,”Backdooring” is a strategic gameplay tactic where a player sneaks into an enemy lane unnoticed to destroy structures like turrets, inhibitors [1], or even the nexus [2]. This approach is particularly effective when the opposing team is preoccupied elsewhere on the map, often engaged in team fights or pushing a different lane.

The primary objective of backdooring is to capitalize on the element of surprise, catching the enemy off guard and creating opportunities for significant map control and objectives. 

Importance in Low Elos

The art of backdooring becomes especially crucial in lower Elos such as iron, bronze, and silver, where late-game scenarios frequently devolve into chaotic team fights down the mid-lane. In these situations, players become fixated on the ongoing skirmishes, and the other lanes are often neglected. 

Backdooring, therefore, serves as a clever diversion from the conventional gameplay, allowing a player to exploit the unguarded lane and swiftly dismantle enemy structures.

How to Backdoor effectively?

Executing a successful backdoor involves careful timing and map awareness. Players need to choose moments when the enemy team is occupied or unaware of their movements, making use of alternative routes like the jungle to avoid detection. 

The choice of champions with high mobility or strong pushing power is crucial to ensure a quick and effective backdoor, as these champions can swiftly navigate through the map and deal significant damage to structures. Time is of the essence while backdooring as you might not have long before the enemy team becomes aware of your actions. 

The Risks of Backdooring

While backdooring is a potent strategy, it is not without its risks. If the enemy team catches wind of the attempt, they may aggressively respond to the backdoor player collectively. This can lead to the backdoor player being killed and subjected to long death-timers. This can be detrimental for your team as this can even lead to team fights and objective contests, not in the team's favor. 

Therefore, the success of backdooring relies on a delicate balance of timing, champion selection, and keen strategic insight, making it a nuanced and exciting aspect of League of Legends gameplay.


  1. [1] "League inhibitor page". Retrieved August 06, 2024
  2. [2] "League Nexus page". Retrieved August 06, 2024

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