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Corrupted Blood: What is Corrupted Blood in Path of Exile 2?

In Path of Exile 2, Corrupted Blood is a stacking debuff that deals physical damage over time. Unlike normal bleed effects, Corrupted Blood can apply multiple stacks at once, increasing its damage rapidly. If not managed properly, it can lead to quick deaths in combat, especially during intense fights.

Corrupted Blood is often encountered in high-level content, particularly from bosses or elite enemies. Since it continues to deal damage even when you’re stationary, it poses a constant threat, forcing players to react quickly to avoid lethal consequences.

How Does Corrupted Blood Work?

Enemies that can inflict Corrupted Blood apply it whenever they land a hit on the player. Each successful hit adds a stack of the debuff. The damage increases with every additional stack, making it especially dangerous in battles where enemies hit frequently.

The debuff can accumulate up to 10 stacks, depending on the enemy and situation. Since it deals damage over time continuously, managing Corrupted Blood quickly is crucial to surviving extended encounters.

How to Counter Corrupted Blood?

One of the most common ways to counter Corrupted Blood is by using a flask[1] with the "of Staunching" suffix. This suffix allows the flask to remove both bleed and Corrupted Blood when used, providing instant relief from the damage.

Another reliable option is equipping corrupted[2] jewels that grant immunity to Corrupted Blood. The mod "Corrupted Blood Cannot Be Inflicted On You" is highly sought after in endgame builds, offering permanent protection from the debuff.


Corrupted Blood in Path of Exile 2 is a serious hazard due to its stacking nature and continuous damage. Effective countermeasures, like flasks or immunity mods, are essential for surviving high-tier battles.


  1. [1] "Flask". Retrieved January 07, 2025
  2. [2] "Corrupted". Retrieved January 07, 2025

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