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Molly: What is a Molly in FPS games like CS2 or Valorant?

In first-person shooter (FPS) games like CS2 and Valorant, a "molly" is an essential tactical item used to control the battlefield and influence the flow of the game. Understanding its purpose and application can significantly enhance a player's strategic depth and effectiveness.

What is a Molly?

A molly, short for Molotov cocktail or incendiary grenade, is a throwable item that creates a fire zone upon impact. This fire deals damage over time to any player standing within its radius and acts as a powerful area denial tool. 

In CS2, Terrorists use Molotov cocktails while Counter-Terrorists use incendiary grenades, both achieving similar effects. In Valorant, agents like Phoenix and Viper have abilities that create incendiary effects, commonly referred to as mollies.

How is a Molly Used in CS2?

In CS2, mollies are versatile tools that can shape the outcome of a round. Here’s how they are typically used:

How is a Molly Used in Valorant?

Valorant introduces unique variations of the molly through different agents' abilities:

Strategic Importance of Mollies

Mollies serve a critical role in shaping tactical play in both CS2 and Valorant. Their ability to control space, manipulate enemy movements, and deal persistent damage makes them invaluable for both offensive and defensive strategies. Effective use of mollies can disrupt enemy plans, provide vital control over the map, and contribute significantly to a team's overall success.

By mastering the timing, placement, and purpose of mollies, players can gain a substantial strategic advantage, making this tool indispensable in competitive play.


  1. [1] "Incendiary". Retrieved June 02, 2024



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