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Skill Gems: What are Skill Gems in Path of Exile 2?

Skill Gems are the basic and core abilities in Path of Exile 2 [1]. Unlike traditional RPGs where skills are tied to characters, PoE 2 uses gems that can be placed in gear to grant abilities. This allows for deep customization and unique builds.

Each Skill Gem represents an active ability, such as fireballs, sword slashes, or summoning creatures. Players can link these with Support Gems to modify their effects, like adding extra projectiles or increased damage.

Can you make Skill Gems stronger in PoE 2?

Skill Gems level up as players gain experience, making them stronger over time. Some high-level gems require specific stats to use effectively. Choosing the right combination of Skill and Support Gems is key to creating powerful builds.

Because there are over 100 different Skill Gems in the game, players can create unique characters by combining special builds. PoE 2 encourages players to experiment with Skill Gems by constantly swapping gears, unlike the first PoE that didn’t have the gem socketing system.


  1. [1] "Official PoE 2 website". Retrieved February 05, 2025

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