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Squishy: What are squishy characters?

A squishy character in games has low health, armor, and magic resist, making them easy to kill. In MOBAS like League of Legends [1], mages, marksmen, and assassins are usually squishy because they focus on dealing high damage rather than surviving fights. However, this gameplay mechanic also extends to hero shooters like Strategists in Marvel Rivals [2].

Squishies are strong when played correctly, but they must be careful with positioning. If they get caught by crowd control or burst damage, they can die almost instantly. This makes them high-risk, high-reward characters, which many players like to call glass cannons.

How do you play squishy champions in League of Legends?

Since they are easy to kill, squishies rely on mobility, shields, or defensive items. Items like Zhonya’s Hourglass, Guardian Angel, or Galeforce can help them survive longer in fights.

Playing a squishy champion well means dealing maximum damage while avoiding danger. Good squishy players stay at the edge of fights, use their abilities carefully, and rely on teammates for protection.

Despite their weakness, squishies are some of the most impactful champions in the game. A well-played squishy can carry fights, secure kills, and change the outcome of a match.


  1. [1] "League of Legends official website". Retrieved February 05, 2025
  2. [2] "Official Marvel Rivals website". Retrieved February 05, 2025

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