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Counterpick: What does it mean to counterpick?

In League of Legends, counterpicking refers to the strategic selection of a champion to gain an advantage over an opponent's champion in a specific matchup. Each champion in League of Legends has strengths, weaknesses, and unique abilities that make them effective in certain situations and against particular types of champions. Counterpicking involves choosing a champion that is well-suited to exploit the weaknesses or vulnerabilities of the opponent's champion, thereby increasing the chances of success in lane or during team fights.

Counterpicking is a crucial aspect of the drafting phase in League of Legends, which occurs before the start of a match. Players typically have a limited window of time to select their champion, and during this time, they must consider factors such as their team composition, the enemy team composition, and the lane matchups they are likely to face. By counterpicking, players aim to create favorable matchups for themselves or their teammates, which can significantly impact the outcome of the game.

For example, if the opponent selects a champion known for being weak against ranged champions, a player may counterpick by choosing a ranged champion with strong poke or harass abilities to capitalize on this weakness. Similarly, if the opponent picks a champion with a specific playstyle or weakness, such as lacking mobility or being vulnerable to crowd control effects, a player may select a champion capable of exploiting these vulnerabilities to gain an advantage.

How can I learn the weaknesses of every Champion?

Now, with there being so many champions in League of Legends, it’s no small feat to be able to remember everyone’s weaknesses. After all, some of them are easy to play while others are significantly more difficult and are sure to take you a while.
Fortunately, one sure-fire way of learning the weaknesses of the Champions that are in the meta for that season is hiring a professional-level coach from Eloking and having them show you the ropes. In addition to the option of getting personalized training, you can even use the code “BoostToday” to get a 20% discount for this excellent service.

What's next?

Now that you have learned something new about League of Legends - it's time you start playing and get better at the game. We can help! Explore LoL Boost Services and start playing at the rank you deserve!

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