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Dominion: What is Dominion in League of Legends?

Dominion was a game mode Riot Games added to the game back in September 2011. The game was essentially a capture-and-hold game mode where the main aim was to control as many of the five control points as possible. However, you currently can not play it because it was removed from the game entirely less than five years later in February 2016. The biggest factor that led to this game mode’s decline was a lack of regular players.

How did dominion work?

The biggest appeal of this mode was that instead of the usual 45-50 minute matches, it only took 15-20 minutes to complete a game of dominion. It was basically a capture-and-hold game mode where the main aim was to control as many of the five control points as possible.

Both teams had an untargetable nexus with 500 hitpoints, and the only way to diminish said hitpoints was by controlling points, and by securing kills against the enemy. The more points you controlled, the faster the health of the nexus diminished.

What’s more, is that this game mode featured multiple exclusive buffs, items, and even summoner spells to compliment the more fast-paced nature of the game. For example, the spells fortify and teleport were replaced by garrison and promote, both of which are unusable in the game currently.

Finally, this game mode had a scoring system that reflected how much an individual contributed to their team. However, the system was considered to be flawed as it didn’t necessarily reflect a player’s contribution because many actions provided points, with some actions giving more points than others.

For example, just picking up a health pack or storm shield rewarded the player with two points. Killing a single minion also gave two points, which means the scoring system was easily exploitable.

Why did Riot games get rid of Dominion game mode?

Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, has not officially commented on why they decided to remove the Dominion game mode from the game. However, there are a few possible reasons why they may have made this decision.

One reason why Riot Games may have removed the Dominion game mode is that it was not as popular as other game modes. Dominion was a fast-paced game mode that focused on capturing and holding control points, rather than destroying the enemy team's base. While this was a unique and interesting gameplay experience, it may not have appealed to as many players as other game modes, such as Summoners Rift or ARAM. As a result, Riot Games may have decided to remove the game mode in order to focus on the modes that were more popular with players.

Another reason why Riot Games may have removed the Dominion game mode is that it was not as balanced as other game modes. Because the game mode was so different from other modes, it may have been more difficult for Riot Games to balance the game and ensure that all champions and strategies were viable. This could have led to imbalances and frustrations for players, which may have contributed to the game mode's decline in popularity. By removing the game mode, Riot Games may have been able to focus on balancing the other game modes, which could have resulted in a better overall experience for players.

Overall, while it is not clear why Riot Games decided to remove the Dominion game mode from League of Legends, there are several possible reasons why they may have made this decision.

Will dominion come back to League of Legends?

There is no official information on whether the Dominion game mode will be returning to League of Legends.

If the Dominion game mode were to return to League of Legends, it would likely be in the form of a special event or game mode that is only available for a limited time. This is a common practice in games like League of Legends, where developers will bring back old game modes or features for a limited time to give players a new and unique gameplay experience. However, there is no information on whether or when this might happen, so it is difficult to say for sure whether the Dominion game mode will be returning to the game.

While it is possible that the Dominion game mode could return to League of Legends in the future, there is no official information on whether or when this might happen. Players will have to wait for an official announcement from Riot Games to know for sure.

Are there any other games that include a similar mode to dominion?

There are several games that include game modes that are similar to the Dominion game mode in League of Legends. Some of these games include:

Overall, while the Dominion game mode in League of Legends is unique, there are several other games that include game modes that are similar in some ways. These game modes often focus on capturing and holding control points, and can provide players with a similar gameplay experience.

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