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Early Game: How do you define the early game in League of Legends?

In League of Legends, the "early game" refers to the initial phase of a match, typically spanning from the start of the game until around the mid-game transition. This phase is characterized by various gameplay dynamics, strategies, and objectives unique to the early stages of a match.

While there’s no official definition of what qualifies as being called the early game, most consider it to last till the first ten or fifteen minutes of the game, or until at least one player in the game has a completely built item, though that item doesn’t count boots.

What are some key characteristics of the early game?

Key characteristics of the early game in League of Legends include:

Laning Phase

The early game primarily revolves around laning, where champions focus on farming minions, trading with opponents, and establishing lane dominance. Players aim to secure last hits on minions to accumulate gold and experience, allowing them to scale and gain strength for later stages of the game.

Jungler Impact

The jungler plays a crucial role during the early game, moving between lanes to provide support, secure objectives like buffs and scuttle crabs, and gank enemy laners to create pressure and secure kills. This is also the time when teams use the early invasion strategy.

Objective Control

While major objectives like Dragon and Baron Nashor become more significant in the mid and late game, teams may still contest early game objectives like the first Dragon or Rift Herald to gain advantages. Securing these objectives can provide team-wide benefits and set the pace for the rest of the match.

Vision and Map Control

Establishing vision control through wards and denying vision in key areas of the map is crucial during the early game. This helps teams track enemy movements, anticipate ganks, and secure objectives safely.

Power Spikes and Itemization

Champions often have specific power spikes at certain levels or after completing key items. Understanding these power spikes and leveraging them during the early game can provide teams with opportunities to secure kills, win trades, and gain advantages.

What's next?

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