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Last Hit: What is Last Hitting in LoL?

In farm-heavy MOBAs like League of Legends, last hitting stands as a foundational skill that distinguishes novices from experts. This mechanic involves delivering the decisive blow to minions to reap the rewards of gold and experience. While seemingly straightforward, mastering the finesse of last hitting can profoundly shape your journey towards victory in the game.

At its essence, last hitting revolves around precise timing and accuracy. Each minion possesses a finite amount of health, dwindling as it sustains damage from various sources – be it your attacks, your allied champions‘ or your own minions’. 

Your objective as a player is to land the final strike on a minion just before its demise, adding to your creep score, and ensuring that the spoils of gold and experience fall into your hands.

The Significance of Last Hitting

The significance of Last Hitting lies in its role as the primary source of resources in League of Legends. Gold serves as the currency for acquiring items to bolster your champion's capabilities, while the experience points gained from killing minions help you level up, consequently empowering your abilities. 

Mastery of last hitting guarantees a steady influx of these vital resources, polishing your farming skills, and ultimately getting you ahead of your opponents.

Strategic Importance of Last Hitting

Last hitting transcends mere resource acquisition; it emerges as a potent strategic tool. By manipulating minion waves through adept last hitting, you can exert control over lane dynamics, exerting pressure on your adversary. 

For instance, consistently outpacing your opponent in last hitting pushes minions towards their turret, giving you “priority” and forcing them to make difficult choices – sacrifice resources or surrender potential objectives on the map.

How to Last Hit Proficiently?

The actual mechanics and strategy surrounding last hitting deserve a separate much detailed guide of its own. For now, you should know achieving mastery in last hitting presents its own set of challenges. Success demands acute observation, swift reflexes, and an intimate understanding of your champion's capabilities. 

Additionally, external factors such as lane pressure, enemy harassment, and jungle presence further complicate the task. Nevertheless, with diligent practice and perseverance, you can refine your last hitting prowess and emerge as a formidable force on the Summoner's Rift.


In essence, last hitting emerges as a cornerstone mechanic in League of Legends, wielding significant influence over match outcomes. By honing your timing and securing crucial minion kills, you gain access to the essential resources needed to outmaneuver and overpower your adversaries.

As you step into your lane, remember the pivotal role of last hitting and strive to perfect this indispensable skill on your path to victory.

What's next?

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