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Promo Games: What are promo games in League of Legends?

Promotion games used to be a series of three matches players had to play when they were about to be promoted to the next rank in League of Legends. However, that system has since then been removed.

Getting enough League Points, or LP in League of Legends is important if you want to rank your account up. However, just getting 100 LP used to not be enough to necessarily guarantee you'll be promoted to the next rank. Players also had to win at least three out of five promotion games.

Maybe Riot thought it would be too easy to just give players the rank, so they decided to have the players work for it. In addition to getting the required 100 LP in a rank, players also had to prove their skill in promotion games. Losing three promotion games took a player back to 100 LP where they could try again as many times as they wanted until they finally won three matches.

How to get promotion games?

Promotion games only showed up when players collected 100 LP and were in the first division of any rank. Say you were in Gold 2 and you got  100 LP. Instead of having to play promotion games, you would instantly be promoted to Gold 1. However, if you were in Gold 1 you would have to play promotion games to be promoted to the Platinum rank's tier 4 with 1 LP.

What's next?

Now that you have learned something new about League of Legends - it's time you start playing and get better at the game. We can help! Explore LoL Boost Services and start playing at the rank you deserve!

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