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Complete guide to shard cards in Fragpunk
Hamza Rashid
20 Mar 2025
Posted On
Fragpunk is the newest of many free-to-play hero shooters that utilize creative characters with unique abilities to stand out from the competition. However, in addition to the regular factors, Fragpunk has a separate identity thanks to the game’s shard card system, which ensures every match is dramatically different from the last.
Today, we’re here to go through everything players need to know about shard cards in Fragpunk [1]. This includes what these cards are, how they work, how you can earn them, and how to activate them. To ensure this article is as complete as possible, we’ll also go through our picks for the best and worst shard cards in the game so you know which cards to look out for.
So, if you’ve found yourself on the edge of trying this game and want to know about its more unique aspects first, keep reading because we have you covered.
What are shard cards in Fragpunk?
In Fragpunk, shard cards are pivotal in shaping gameplay dynamics, offering players unique abilities and strategic advantages. These powerful cards introduce game-changing skills, power-ups, and explosive effects that can shift the tide of battle.
Shard Cards allow players to unleash dynamic and over-the-top moves during matches, enhancing tactical depth and promoting varied playstyles. Each match presents different card options, ensuring that every game experience is distinct.
How do shard cards work in Fragpunk?
Before each round, your team selects from three randomly offered Shard Cards, spending Shards to activate powerful effects. Choosing the correct Shard Card can significantly impact your team’s performance, allowing for aggressive or defensive play. Strategizing whether to save Shards for later rounds or go all-in for an instant advantage is crucial.
Shard Cards can be earned throughout matches by securing kills, landing assists, building streaks, or collecting them from the battlefield. Mastering the timing and selection of these cards can determine the outcome between victory and defeat.
How to earn shard cards in Fragpunk
During matches, players accumulate a currency known as Shards. These are earned through various in-game actions, including securing kills, achieving kill streaks, providing assists, and collecting Shard Points found on the battlefield.
Shards are the primary resource for activating Shard Cards, making their accumulation an essential part of the game. Players who perform well and consistently contribute to their team will generate more Shards, increasing their ability to activate stronger cards.
Activating shard cards in Fragpunk
Activating a Shard Card is a collective effort. Each card has a specific activation cost, measured in Shards. Players contribute their accumulated Shards towards the activation of these cards. If the team collectively meets the required cost before the round commences, the card’s effects become active for that round.
However, if the team fails to meet the activation cost, the Shards allocated to that card are refunded, and the card remains inactive. Coordination and teamwork are essential when deciding which Shard Card to activate, as some effects may be more beneficial depending on the situation.
Top-tier shard cards in Fragpunk
Some Shard Cards are considered the best due to their significant impact on gameplay. These cards provide powerful advantages, ensuring a competitive edge.
Big Heads
Increases the size of enemy heads, making them easier targets.
Vampire Bullet
Grants lifesteal to bullet damage, allowing players to regain health upon dealing damage.
If your character falls in battle, you resurrect as a zombie, ready to engage enemies in close-quarters combat.
Death’s embrace
When an enemy is hit for the first time, a Grim Reaper appears after three seconds, dealing 75 damage to all foes within its area.
Life saver
Teammates have a one-time revival opportunity.
Reaper’s Scythe
Summon a Reaper’s scythe at your spawn point, a weapon that fires wall-piercing projectiles and enables teleportation to an altar beacon.
Invest in the Future
Earn twice the shard points for the entire round.
Mass Cheetah
Increases movement speed, allowing for rapid repositioning.
Security check
Doors reveal enemies and emit alarm sounds when breached, enhancing team awareness.
Allows players to sense nearby enemies after a period without taking damage, improving situational awareness.
Boosts healing, speed, and damage reduction from skills, enhancing overall survivability.
Skill replenish
Allows skills that typically don’t replenish to do so and accelerates replenishment for those that do, ensuring abilities are readily available.
Plenty of Ammo
Increases magazine size and total ammunition, reducing the frequency of reloads
Barrier destruction
Allows removal of obstacles during the preparation phase, providing tactical advantages.
Prosthetic enhancements
Renders allies' limbs as bulletproof, reducing damage taken.
Worst shard cards in Fragpunk
While many Shard Cards offer game-changing benefits, some are considered less effective due to their situational nature, inconsistent results, or limited impact.
Forces a random enemy to fire their weapon every few seconds, potentially revealing their position. However, while this card aims to disrupt enemy stealth, its randomness can lead to inconsistent results. Enemies might be in positions where unintended firing has minimal impact, making the card less reliable.
Foot Dragging
Reduces enemy movement speed. Although slowing enemies seems advantageous, the slight reduction may offer limited benefits.
Short Exposure
Reduces the duration enemies remain exposed. This card’s benefit is situational and may not significantly impact most engagements.
Toy traps
Places deceptive traps to mislead opponents. While creative, experienced players may quickly recognize and avoid these traps, diminishing their effectiveness.
Set up small-scale traps to hinder enemy movement. These traps have a limited area of effect and are less impactful due to their potential for easy detection.
Dr. Converter
Heals nearby teammates while carrying the Converter. While healing is beneficial, the requirement to carry around the Converter limits its applicability, making it less versatile.
Band-Aid solution
Provides immediate healing benefits. However, the healing given may be minimal compared to other cards that offer more substantial or sustained advantages.
Stealthy start
Grants initial invisibility for strategic positioning. The temporary invisibility may not provide a significant advantage, especially if the opposing team is vigilant, reducing its practical value.
Barrier destruction
Allows removal of obstacles during the preparation phase. The strategic advantage of removing hindrances is highly situational. It may not justify the Shard investment compared to more universally beneficial cards.
Ricochet rounds
Cause bullets to bounce off surfaces. While it may sound interesting, the unpredictability often leads to wasted shots rather than tactical advantages.
Marked for Death
Automatically marks an enemy who damages you. This might provide information, but it does nothing to stop an enemy from finishing you off before the mark can come in handy.
Loud footsteps
Increases enemy footstep volume. While it can be beneficial for tracking, skilled players already listen for footsteps, making this card redundant.
Ammo gambit
Grants extra ammo but reduces reload speed. Since most fights don't last long enough to need excessive ammo. The slower reload speed can be a significant disadvantage.
Last laugh
Drops a grenade upon death. While it can deal damage, enemies can easily avoid it, making it a highly inconsistent option.
What are Shard Cards and how do they function in FragPunk?
Shard Cards are transformative abilities that allow players to modify the rules of each round. Before each round, teams receive a random set of Shard Cards from their collections. Players can spend Shard Points to activate these cards, with costs varying based on the card's effect. If unsatisfied with the options, players can use Shard Points to redraw individual cards.
How do teams acquire and activate Shard Cards during a match?
At the start of a match and between rounds, teams are presented with a random selection of three Shard Cards. To activate these cards, team members must collectively allocate Shard Points. If a card doesn't receive enough points, it remains inactive, and any points assigned to it are refunded to the players.
[1] "Fragpunk website". Retrieved March 18, 2025
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