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How to play Valorant on Linux in 2025
Jack Willa
16 Mar 2025
Posted On
Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system just like Windows and Mac OS. Linux is assembled under the model of free and open-source software development and distribution. The defining component of Linux is the Linux Kernel, but many prospective Valorant players face difficulties when attempting to play the game on a Linux device.
If you want to play Valorant on a device with Linuc installed, then there are a couple of things you can do. While the game isn't officially supported on Linux OS or VMs, you can always create a dual boot system or dedicated server to ensure you're able to get your Valorant fix.
So, if you've been struggling with trying to play Valorant on your Linux then keep reading because we have you covered. If you ever want a professional-level teammate to play with (because trust us, you'll be paired up with some terrible teammates when you start) then you can always use the code "BoostToday" to get a 20% discount on our industry-leading services.
How to play Valorant on Linux?
While it is not officially supported on Linux OS or VMs (cloud gaming), theoretically, it is possible to play Valorant from Linux.
Why Valorant isn't supported on Linux?
That's because of the fact that most users who play games are Windows users. Approximately 2% of computer users have Linux as their operating system. According to that infinitesimal amount of users, it doesn't make sense for Riot Games to spend money and resources to create a Valorant version that supports Linux as they won't gain much out of it.
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How can I play Valorant if I have a Linux operating system?
Even though you technically cannot play Valorant on Linux, there are alternative ways you try to get the game running on your computer.
First Way is to Create a Dual Boot System:
This means that you will have Linux as your main operating system and Windows as your main operating system for playing such games as Valorant. Follow the steps below to proceed.
Download the latest Ubuntu 20.04 ISO from Ubuntu and burn the image file to a USB flash drive using Balana Etcher from Balena
When you are done, restart and open up the computer's boot menu, this is pressing the F12 or F8 on your keyboard.
On the list of the devices that appear, you will typically see a 20.04 and USB 20.04 or something to that extent which is important as the USB option is used for Legacy BIOS installation and 20.04 is used for UEFI installations, so make sure to choose the one that matches the installation of Windows.
When you get the Installation Type page, make sure to choose the Erase disk and install Ubuntu option, then click Continue.
Under the Select drive, choose the hard drive that does not have your Windows 10 installation on it, you will see a summary of partitions that are going to be installed, so click Continue.
Once the installation process is complete, you will be prompted to remove the flash drive, so do so and reboot the system.
Now you need to choose the operating system to boot in, by default the next time you turn on your computer, you will be greeted with the GRUB Boot Loader, which now gives you the option of choosing to boot into either Windows or Linux.
Second way is to get a Dedicated Server:
What a Dedicated Server means is that if you own another PC that has Windows as an operating system, and for example you have Linux, you could download NoMachine on both systems and get access to the other PC on your Linux. Then, you could launch Valorant and play it through your Linux operating system. The game won't run as perfect as we wish but it will still run.
Conclusion: The only way to get Valorant running is to somehow get access to Windows on your Linux system. Riot Games and Vanguard anti-cheat doesn't and won't support Linux. Valorant is not available on GeForce NOW or any cloud gaming service due to the fact that Valorant uses Rootkit. We hate to say it but most likely Valorant will never be available on Linux or GFN.
Minimum Requirements To Run Valorant On Linux
Any PC that has the equivalent power of 4th gen Core i3 or above
Min 8 Gigabytes of RAM
Graphics card with the equivalent power of Nvidia Geforce GT 730 or above
Dedicated Video RAM of 2 Gb or above
25 to 30 Gb of free space
To sum it all up. If you have a PC that has been released after 2018, it probably has the above-mentioned hardware and can easily run Valorant.
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