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Dive Characters: What Are Dive Characters in Online Games?

Dive characters are high-mobility, aggressive heroes or champions in online games that specialize in quickly engaging and eliminating key targets. They use gap-closing abilities, burst damage, and quick escapes to dive into fights, assassinate priority enemies, and retreat safely if needed.

These characters are commonly found in competitive multiplayer games like League of Legends, Path of Exile, and Marvel Rivals, where fast-paced engagements play a crucial role.

Traits of Dive Characters

Dive characters typically have the following characteristics:

Dive Characters in Popular Games

League of Legends

In League of Legends, dive champions are often assassins[1] or bruisers who can jump onto a target, eliminate them, and escape. Examples include:

Path of Exile

While Path of Exile is not a traditional PvP game, certain builds function like dive characters by engaging quickly and dealing rapid damage:

Marvel Rivals

In Marvel Rivals, dive heroes focus on engaging the backline and disrupting enemy teams. Examples include:

Why Are Dive Characters Important?

Dive characters play a crucial role in disrupting enemy formations, removing key threats, and forcing enemies to react defensively. They require quick decision-making and mechanical skill, making them rewarding for high-skill players.



  1. [1] "Assassins". Retrieved February 06, 2025

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