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Duelist (Marvel Rivals): What is a Duelist in Marvel Rivals?

Duelist is the term assigned to the DPS characters in Marvel Rivals [1]. These characters are the primary damage dealers, like Iron Man and Iron Fist, though they’re usually fairly squishy and can’t provide healing to other characters.

As a Duelist, the player’s job is to open up spaces for their teams to push. The other two roles, on the other hand, are primarily there to ensure Duelists can efficiently take out the enemy characters. Thanks to this, most aces are also done by Duelists.

How can I be a good Duelist in Marvel Rivals?

There are a couple of ways players can improve their skills as Duelists in Marvel Rivals. However, one trick that seems to work for most players is you should try to take advantage of the mobility most Duelists have to flank the enemy to catch them by surprise. This is especially useful when the Duelist has their ultimate ability, as they can usually take down the entire enemy team at once.

Aside from that, Duelists should try to approach their Strategists when they’re low on health. Protecting the Strategists from enemy Duelists is also the Duelists’ job, so map awareness can go a long way.


  1. [1] "Official Marvel Rivals website". Retrieved January 05, 2025

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