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Mid: What is mid role in MOBA games like LoL and Dota 2?


The middle lane is, as the name suggests, the lane at the center of the map of a MOBA like League of Legends and Dota 2. It is considered to be the most important one when it comes to both games because the player, unlike other lanes, is always alone. Because of this, all the experience goes to only the middle laners, allowing them to level up and unlock abilities faster than other position players.

Additionally, because they're located in the absolute middle of the map, they have the potential to go to either the top or bottom lane for a surprise attack or gank. However, unlike a jungler or roamer's gank, mid laners have to be cautious as leaving their own lane unprotected for too long might spell disaster for the entire team.

However, their location could also be considered a curse, as it makes them a prime target for ganks from all sides. Because of this, mid laners have to first ensure they're in the clear before making any risky moves.

Picking one role out of the many offered can be overwhelming at times. Because of this, we've written a guide on all the roles in League of Legends which will hopefully help you decide the best one for you.

What kind of champions or heroes are best suited for mid role?

The mid lane is typically occupied by champions or heroes who are good at dealing damage, such as mages and assassins. These champions are often responsible for getting kills and taking control of key objectives, which can give their team a strategic advantage in the game. Some examples of champions or heroes that are well-suited for the mid role include:

In League of Legends

In Dota 2

Is mid role more important than ADC?

The mid lane is often considered to be the most important lane, as it provides access to key objectives such as the enemy's jungle and the Dragon pit. The mid lane is typically occupied by champions or heroes who are good at dealing damage, such as mages and assassins. These champions are often responsible for getting kills and taking control of key objectives, which can give their team a strategic advantage in the game.

While the mid lane is often considered to be the most important lane in MOBA games, the ADC role is also crucial to a team's success. The ADC is responsible for dealing a significant amount of damage to enemy champions and structures, and a strong ADC can help a team secure victories by taking down enemy turrets and objectives. Whether the mid role or the ADC role is more important will depend on the specific situation and the goals of the team.

How to find out if mid role is for me?

There are a few things you can do to determine whether this role is right for you. Here are some suggestions:


  1. [1] "Official LoL Ahri page". Retrieved June 28, 2024
  2. [2] "Official LoL Yasuo page". Retrieved June 28, 2024
  3. [3] "Official Dota 2 Queen of Pain page". Retrieved June 28, 2024
  4. [4] "Official Dota 2 Lion page". Retrieved June 28, 2024

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