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MMR: What is MMR and how to increase it?

Most games use MMR as a substitute for ELO, where the higher your MMR, the higher your rank will be. Meanwhile, games like Valorant use a hidden MMR system, where while players can't see their matchmaking rating, if their performance is good then their MMR will go up. 

A player with a high MMR will be rewarded with more ELO when they do win a match because the game will recognize that they deserve it. Additionally, they might get matched up with enemies of higher ranks than them.

For a majority of competitive games, however, the only way to increase MMR is by winning more and more matches until they hit the MMR needed to achieve a higher rank. Unfortunately, many players find themselves stuck in a specific MMR or rank no matter how hard they try. If this is the case for you, then here's how to rank up in CS:GO, and here's how to get out of ELO hell in Valorant.

Is MMR the same as ELO?

Match making rating (MMR) and ELO are similar but not identical. Both MMR and ELO are systems that are used to assess a player's skill and match them with other players of similar skill. However, there are some differences between the two systems.

The main difference between MMR and ELO is that MMR is a proprietary system used by specific games, while ELO is a more general system that can be used by a variety of games. For example, Dota 2 uses an MMR system to match players with others of similar skill, while League of Legends uses an ELO system.

Additionally, there are differences in the way that MMR and ELO are calculated and applied. The algorithms and formulas that are used to calculate MMR and ELO can vary, and the two systems may use different methods to match players and determine their skill levels.

Overall, while MMR and ELO are similar systems, they are not identical. MMR is a proprietary system used by specific games, while ELO is a more general system that can be used by a variety of games. There are also differences in the way that the two systems are calculated and applied.

What games use MMR?

Some of the games that use the MMR system include:

Are there FPS games that use MMR?

Yes, there are several FPS (First Person Shooter) games that use an MMR (Matchmaking Rating) system to match players with others of similar skill. The MMR system is a proprietary system that is used by specific games to assess a player's skill and match them with other players of similar skill.

Some examples of FPS games that use an MMR system include:


  1. [1] "Heroes of the Storm official page". Retrieved June 28, 2024
  2. [2] "Smite official page". Retrieved June 28, 2024
  3. [3] "Official Rainbow Six Siege page". Retrieved June 28, 2024
  4. [4] "Official CoD Modern Warfare page". Retrieved June 28, 2024

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