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Team-Up: What are Team-Ups in Marvel Rivals?

Team-Ups in Marvel Rivals [1] are added benefits certain playable characters get if specific heroes or villains are on their team. This benefit could either ben in the form of a special team-up move, like with Rocket Racoon’s Team-Up with Winter Soldier and The Punisher, or it could be a passive ability like Adam Warlock’s Team-Up with Star Lord and Mantis.

The feature allows two or more characters to combine their abilities, which is why every Team-Up reflects the given characters’ abilities or history in the Marvel Universe. Those characters who can’t benefit from the ability, like Scarlet Witch when she team-ups with Magneto, get stat bonuses.

Every Team-Up in Marvel Rivals

Since Marvel RIvals is an ever-expanding game, it’s only natural that the number of Team-Ups will also constantly increase. However, below is a list of every Team-Up in Marvel Rivals at the time of writing:


  1. [1] "Official Marvel Rivals website". Retrieved February 05, 2025

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