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Feeding: What is Feeding in LoL?

In League of Legends, feeding refers to a player dying repeatedly to the enemy team, thereby giving them a significant advantage in gold and experience. This can severely hinder your team's ability to compete and often leads to a loss. Understanding feeding and how to prevent it is essential for improving your gameplay.

What Does Feeding mean?

Feeding occurs when a player dies multiple times, resulting in the enemy champions becoming stronger. This usually happens due to poor positioning, overextending without vision, or engaging in unfavorable fights. Feeding can be unintentional, resulting from a lack of experience or poor decision-making.

What is Inting?

"Inting," short for intentional feeding, is when a player deliberately dies to the enemy team. This behavior is considered highly toxic and is against the game's rules. Inting is often done out of frustration, trolling, or a desire to sabotage the team's efforts. Riot Games takes inting seriously, and players caught doing it can face penalties, including temporary or permanent bans.

Recognizing Feeding

Feeding is identified by a high death count and low game contribution in terms of kills, assists, and objectives. Key signs include:

How to Avoid Feeding

To avoid feeding, the following measures can be taken into account:

Impact of Feeding on the Game

Feeding can significantly impact the outcome of a game by:


Feeding in LoL can drastically affect the outcome of a game. By maintaining good map awareness, warding, and adapting your playstyle, you can minimize feeding and contribute positively to your team. Remember, teamwork and strategic play are the keys to victory in League of Legends.


  1. [1] "Snowballing". Retrieved June 03, 2024
  2. [2] "Dragons". Retrieved June 03, 2024




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