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Ignite: What is Ignite in LoL?

Ignite is a powerful summoner spell available to all champions in League of Legends. When activated, Ignite unleashes a burst of fiery energy, dealing true damage over time to a single target enemy champion. This damage bypasses any armor or magic resistance, making it particularly effective against opponents with high defensive stats.

The Burning Fury Unleashed

The true strength of Ignite lies not only in its damage but also in its ability to apply Grievous Wounds. This debuff reduces the target's healing and regeneration effects by 40% for the duration of the debuff. This additional effect makes Ignite a crucial tool for shutting down champions reliant on sustain, such as Dr. Mundo, Vladimir, or champions with significant lifesteal.

When to Ignite: Making the Most of the Flame

Knowing when to ignite can be the difference between securing a kill and watching your opponent slip away with a sliver of health. Here are some situations where Ignite can be particularly effective:

Laning Phase Dominance

Ignite is often used during the laning phase to assert dominance and secure kills against your opponent. Combining Ignite with your champion's burst damage abilities can catch your opponent off guard and force them to play more defensively.

Countering Healing

Ignite is invaluable when facing champions with strong healing abilities. Applying Grievous Wounds with Ignite can significantly reduce the effectiveness of their healing, giving you the upper hand in trades and all-ins.

Securing Kills

In team fights or skirmishes, Ignite can be used to finish off low-health targets, ensuring they don't escape to safety or receive healing from allies.

Igniting for Victory

Mastering Ignite requires not only understanding its mechanics but also knowing when and how to use it to its fullest potential. Whether you're looking to dominate the laning phase, counter healing champions, or secure crucial kills in team fights, Ignite is a versatile tool that can tip the scales in your favor. 
With practice and strategic use, Ignite can become a key component of your arsenal as you climb the ranks of Summoner's Rift.

What's next?

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