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Kingdom Credits: What are Kingdom Credits in Valorant?

Kingdom Credits [1], or KC, is a type of in-game credit that was introduced in Valorant’s Episode 7: Evoluton [2]. Unlike the other currencies in the game that require players to either spend real money or grind the battle pass to obtain, Kingdom Credits can be acquired simply by playing the game.

However, that also means that this credit isn’t all that useful, especially for those who want to use it to buy new skins. Kingdom Credits can be used to purchase two things. The first are new agents [3]that can be purchased using 8,000 Kingdom Credits. Secondly, players can also purchase cosmetics like player cards and sprays using KCs from the in-game store.

It should be noted that Kingdom Credits can’t be used to buy new agents like Clove as soon as they come out. Instead, there’s a 28 days wait time before the agent is purchasable using Kingdom Credits.

What is the Kingdom Credits cap?

While some players like collecting Kingdom Credits, we recommend you use them as quickly as you get them. After all, this currency caps out at 10,000 Kingdom Credits, which really doesn’t take too long to obtain.

Additionally, players obtain Kingdom Credits by either completing daily missions or for playing any game mode. However, if the player is penalized, whether it be for abusing comms or being afk, they won’t get any credits for that particular match.


  1. [1] "Kingdom Credits wiki page". Retrieved September 06, 2024
  2. [2] "Valorant Episode 7 page". Retrieved September 06, 2024
  3. [3] "Official Valorant agents page". Retrieved September 06, 2024

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