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Top 5 duelists in Valorant (ranked)

Top 5 duelists in Valorant (ranked)

Players consider Duelists the front liners in any Valorant team composition. Armed with abilities that let them enter sites using speed, flashes, or even clones made of fire, it’s understandable that players who want to get more frags will likely main these agents. However, that doesn’t mean every duelist is equal.

Today, we’re here to rank our top five duelists in Valorant. While this list is naturally based on our personal experience, we’ll also go through our reasoning for placing these agents where we did.

So, without any more delay, here are the five best duelists in Valorant ranked. If you want to learn any of these mentioned agents you can always hire a professional coach from Eloking to give you a hand. You can even use the code “BoostToday” for an excellent 20% discount to ensure you have money saved for skins.


Blue-haired anime character with energy projection

Abilities and Utility: Yoru’s kit is designed to outplay and confuse the enemy. His abilities, like Fakeout and Gatecrash, can throw opponents off course by misleading them. His ultimate, Dimensional Drift, makes him invisible, allowing him to scout the map and create setups for sneaky plays.

Mobility and Survivability: Gatecrash provides an escape from dangerous situations, and his ultimate makes him harder to pin down by allowing him to scout and reposition without taking damage. This combination allows Yoru to adapt to situations on the fly. 

Impact: Yoru’s impact is significant thanks to his ability to gather info and create chaos. He can make enemies second-guess themselves.


Digital artwork of a futuristic anime character with white hair and cybernetic enhancements

Abilities and Utility: Jett’s abilities allow for precise plays and agility. Her Cloudburst smokes give temporary cover, while Updraft and Tailwind help her secure high ground and evade enemy fire. She can secure multiple kills with her ultimate, Blade Storm. Her utility is in her ability to create space and take aggressive angles, which is why a lot of pro players prefer her.

Mobility and Survivability: Her Tailwind dash and Updraft jumps make her movement unpredictable. The high mobility makes her difficult to hit and allows her to survive longer during fights. She’s great for aggressive plays and making quick rotations.

Impact: Jett is one of the most mobile agents in the game. She requires an aggressive playstyle that messes with the enemy setups and forces them down a defensive path.

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Dynamic Valorant character with rifle and fiery effects in action

Abilities and Utility: Raze’s abilities focus on damage output and clearing areas. Using Boom Bot and Paint Shells grenades, she can flush out enemies from cover, and can also provide mobility and explosive damage with her Blast pack. Her ultimate, Showstopper, can take out several enemies at once. Her role is to control space and constantly apply pressure on the enemy.

Mobility and Survivability: Raze can make explosive jumps, giving her a wider range of angles and faster escapes. While she might not be as fast as Jett, she can still surprise opponents with her Blast Packs. Her raw damage output can stop enemies from pushing her position, increasing her survivability.

Impact: Raze can block areas for the enemy and provides impact through her high damage. She can be offensive and defensive, and her abilities can break entire formations and force the enemy to reposition.


Futuristic video game character with dynamic pose and vibrant background

Abilities and Utility: Phoenix is a complete unit that focuses on keeping himself in the fight. He blinds enemies using his Curevball flashes, while Hot Hands and Blaze can heal him and block off parts of the map. His ultimate, Run it Back, allows him to respawn at a pre-planned spot after getting killed. Pheonix is perfect for aggressive fights, and can always keep pushing.

Mobility and Survivability: Phoenix has decent movement, with his Blaze wall being perfect for repositioning. He’s hard to take down thanks to his healing abilities, allowing him to last longer in the battle. His perseverance makes him perfect for holding areas and staying alive.

Impact: Phoenix’s flashes and self-healing allow him to shine mid-fight. He’s perfect for risky plays or getting info without having to worry about dying. His Raw impact thanks to his survivability makes him crucial for his team.


Blue-haired female warrior with a lightning bow in a dynamic pose

Abilities and Utility: Neon is all about speed and causing chaos. Her Fast Lane creates electric walls that block vision, while Relay Bolt stuns enemies in its path. She can sprint and slide around the map with High gear, and her Ultimate, Overdrive, sets off a high-speed energy beam. She can quickly enter areas and mess with the enemy defenses.

Mobility and Survivability: While Jett has amazing mobility, Neon has unmatched speed. Her High Gear helps her cover a lot of ground and dodge enemy fire. She’s difficult to hit, albeit her survivability is slightly less than other agents as she relies on her speed to avoid fire rather than a healing ability.

Impact: Neon has a very fast-paced playstyle that can catch enemies off-guard and create chances for her team. Her ability to dash into areas and clear them out makes her a real asset in competitive play.


Which duelist is the best in Valorant?

It’s hard to accurately state which Duelist is the best in Valorant, as the answer highly depends on the player’s preference. Some duelists use flashes while others have high movement speed, and all are designed to suit different players.

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