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Best Dota 2 solo queue heroes

Best Dota 2 solo queue heroes

Dota 2 is a game most players like playing with their friends and loved ones. However, not everyone has the comfort of playing with a full squad whenever they want. This, or wanting to test their skills independently without any friendly support may lead players to solo queueing, in which case they will want to play as the best possible heroes.

Today, we’re here to go through five of the best Dota 2 solo queue heroes. This includes going through all the characters as well as giving some details on what qualities make them viable solo hero picks.

So, without further ado, here are the best Dota 2 solo queue heroes.
What’s the best role to pick when solo queueing in Dota 2?
It is essential to know what role to play when solo queueing in Dota 2 since knowing that will help narrow down the perfect character to choose. Go for a role that doesn’t require players to fully coordinate with others because most solo queue people aren’t looking for good teamwork. Roles like midlane are perfect for this since players must work alone to succeed.

Top 5 best heroes for solo queueing in Dota 2

As mentioned earlier, pick a hero that works well on their own. So, here is a list of the top 5 best heroes in no order to pick when solo queueing in Dota 2:

5: Invoker

Mystical wizard conjuring elemental magic powers

Starting our list is Invoker. Mirana is a flexible hero, and players can play him in offensive and defensive positions, depending on the situation. His usefulness is evident by his high pick in competitive matches, meaning people who solo queue often try to go for Voker. What’s special about him is that he can push lanes and gank enemies very early on. Mix that with his ability to crowd control, and it’s a recipe for a strong solo hero.

4. Sniper

Animated dwarf warrior with a weapon in a winter setting

As the name implies, Sniper is an excellent pick when solo queueing, thanks to his attack range. His ability to damage enemies from afar allows him to take fights and retreat to heal when he needs to. Sniper is especially troublesome in the late game thanks to items like Shadow Blade that let him go invisible and annoy opponents. 

3. Zeus

Zeus character from Dota 2 game

Everyone knows that Zeus is one of the best solo queue picks in the game because of his ability to quickly dispose of squishy magic resistance heroes, especially when he turns level six. The problem arises when opponents start getting magic resistance items, but before that, he’s an unstoppable character who can hold an entire lane on his while simultaneously gank other lanes.

2. Ember Spirit

Fiery warrior character from Dota 2 game with a glowing sword and armor

The best part about Ember Spirit is his potential to be built into many different routes, making him one of the most versatile heroes in the entire game. Alongside being flexible, his multiple AOE attacks let him farm faster than other characters. Combining his fast farming abilities with his ultimate makes sure that he’s a hero that enemies must steer clear of if they want to be safe from his physical attacks.

1. Lina

Female character from Dota 2 using flame magic

Ending off our list is Lina. Lina has high amounts of magic damage, making her a force of nature in mid-lane. In the mid-game, she can destroy enemies thanks to her abilities and physical damage, and when it's mixed with her AOE spells, she can farm pretty quickly as well. Another great thing about her is that she moves quickly, so she can switch lanes whenever she wants to.

What’s next?

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