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League of Legends: Best Swarm solo builds

League of Legends: Best Swarm solo builds

Swarm is easily one of the best special modes to come to League of Legends, and this is proven by just how many players have returned to the game just for it. However, as is to be expected, some players are struggling to find the ideal builds to utilize, especially when they’re playing alone.

Today, we’re here to go through several of the best Swarm builds players should use when they’re playing the game alone. These include builds for some of the best champions and we ensured we gave multiple build variants of the same champions to ensure players could go for the one that best fits their playstyle.

So, without further ado, here are the best Swarm solo builds. If you don’t want to play the game alone and instead want to queue with some high-level players then you can always hire a professional League of Legends teammate from Eloking. Use the code “BoostToday” to get an extra 20% discount.

What’s the best build for characters in the Swarm game mode for League of Legends?

With multiple playable characters in the Swarm game mode and numerous combinations and items, it’s hard to figure out the best combination of items and abilities for each one. Luckily, this guide will help tackle this issue by showing the best builds to use when playing the mode alone.


Fantasy warrior woman charging into battle with glowing pink sword and armor

Tank build:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:

Explosive Damage build:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:

Struggling to win? Bad teammates? Steam Nose Emoji
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Two games lol Rank 2
Fiora Champion/Agent Fizz Champion/Agent
Average wait time <10 minutes
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Three games lol Rank 3
Garen Champion/Agent Gnar Champion/Agent
Average wait time <10 minutes
$12.00 $2.50 per game


Beginner build:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:

Damage and Tank build:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:


Female warrior with a glowing green sword in a fantasy setting

Balanced build:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:

Tank build:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:



Beginner build:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:

High Damage:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:


A cyberpunk female character with blue hair and robotic arms in a dystopian city

Beginner build:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:

High Damage build:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:


Beginner build:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:

Crit Damage build:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:


Fantasy fox warrior in a magical battle

Beginner build:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:

Damage build:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:


Damage build:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:

Destruction build:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:


Fantasy warrior engaging in a dynamic battle in a mystical landscape

Experienced build:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:

Speed build:

Weapons and items:

Passive Upgrades and Augments:

What’s next?

Now that you have learned something new about League of Legends - it’s time you start playing and get better at the game. We can help! Purchase Eloking League of Legends Boost right now and start playing at the rank you deserve!

Alternatively, you can Join our Discord Server & participate in various giveaways!

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