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Top 10 most popular Dota 2 heroes in 2024

Top 10 most popular Dota 2 heroes in 2024

Dota 2 has a wide selection of playable characters players can play as. However, as it is with most other MOBAs, some characters are more popular than others. While characters like Juggernaut and Rubick are extremely popular picks, most heroes don’t really come close to their popularity.

Today, we’re here to go through the most played characters in Dota 2 for the year 2024. This information is taken from official game data from places like dotabuff [1]so players can rest assured that it’s accurate. While the list will likely change as Valve releases new updates and tweaks for existing heroes, it puts into perspective which heroes managed to make a mark in the year.

So, without any further delay, here are the most played heroes in Dota 2 in the year 2024. If you want to learn how to play any of these popular heroes you can always hire a professional booster from Eloking to give you a hand. Just don’t forget to use the code “BoostToday” so you get a 20% discount in the process.


A powerful Dota 2 character wielding a weapon

Starting off our list is Juggernaut, with a 15.63% pick rate, as he is one of the safest options. His Blade Fury abilities make him immune to magic damage while also letting him deal lots of AoE damage to ensure he stays ahead during the laning phase. His Healing Wards allows him and his team to stay in battle longer. 

Juggernaut’s ultimate, Omnislash, is an incredible ability to use against enemies alone since it deals damage while making the user invulnerable for a short period. His flexibility and easy kit make him popular in the Dota 2 community.

Legion Commander

A powerful warrior character from Dota 2

Legion Commander has a pick rate of 15.81% for her incredible scalability since her power increases with every victory. Her Duel ability forces players to fight each other without using skills or items, with the winner gaining a permanent strength buff. Press the Attack heals players from debuffs while giving them a speed boost and health regen, and Overwhelming Odds punishes enemies in groups.


Rubick character from Dota 2 artwork

Rubick has a pick rate of 17.01% for abilities like Spell Steal, which, as the name suggests, lets Rubick use his opponent’s abilities against them. He can use two enemy abilities, so he’s as strong as the people he’s competing with. Rubick has a high skill ceiling and near-infinite ways of playing him, so players enjoy trying out new strategies using him.

Shadow Fiend

Shadow Fiend character from Dota 2

Shadow Fiend has a 17.21% for being a versatile mid-laner. His Shadowraze ability lets him farm quickly and harass opponents coming close for quick money. Shadow Fiend’s passive gives him damage buffs for every kill he gets, making him a very scalable champion. He’s tough to use but worth it since he can change the tides during team battles.


Dota 2 character Ax in action

Axe has a pick rate of 17.55% because of his reliability in initiating fights and tanking hits. Berserker’s ability forces opponents to change their movement to attack him, letting his team get free attacks in. Counter Helix is an incredible counterattack, where he absorbs blows and then swings his axe around to deal with any enemy close to him. 

His ultimate, Culling Blade, deals lots of physical damage, usually killing enemies in the late game. Since the ability gets reset if he gets a kill, players can chain it multiple times if they use it correctly.

Phantom Assassin

Dota 2 character in a dynamic pose

With a 17.69% pick rate, Phantom Assassin is one of the most picked melee carries in Dota 2. Her Blur ability lets her retreat from dangerous fights since it’ll increase her evasion state while making her invisible. Stifling Dagger lets her slow down enemies, so it's good for harassing or killing them.

Her ultimate, Coup De Grace, can guarantee critical hits for instant kills, which is very powerful in the late game. Players who prefer characters that scale and love risky gameplay go for Phantom Assassin.

Witch Doctor

Dota 2 character illustration featuring a unique figure

Witch Doctor has an 18.42% pick rate for being a dependable support character. His Paralyzing Cask ability can hit multiple opponents, stunning them to make things easier for teammates. He can curse enemies with Maledict, perfect for dealing damage and pressuring them.

Some players believe he’s an essential pick because of his versatility, which lets him deal damage and heal teammates. For example, his ultimate, Death Ward, inflicts massive damage on enemies, while his Voodoo Restoration ability heals nearby teammates.


A character from Dota 2 game

Sniper is the perfect hero to pick for players who want a long-ranged carry character, proven by his high pick rate of 19.3%. Although he has a long-range attack, his Take Aim ability makes it range even longer to make him a hero for laning. Assassinate is a strong ability that’s perfect for long-range finishing blows. If the player gets a kill with Assassinate, the ability will refresh.

Sniper’s effectiveness at long range and his consistent impact throughout the game make him one of the easiest characters to use, appealing to players of all skill levels.


Lion character from Dota 2 game

Lion is one of the most popular Dota 2 characters, with a 21.11% pick rate. Lion is a support character with incredible cloud control. Earth Spike allows him to damage and stun numerous enemies in a line, making it the perfect ability to get kills if used correctly. Hex can disable enemy units and make them useless, which players use against escape heroes.

Lion’s ultimate, Finger of Death, deals high single-target damage, often killing opponents in one move. Using the ability against squishy characters guarantees a kill, putting the team at an advantage.


Dota 2 character Pudge with a bloody apron and malicious expression.

Pudge has been the most popular Dota 2 [2] character in 2024, with a pick rate of 27.07%. Thanks to his aggressive playstyle and abilities like Meat Hook, he’s a character that works whether the player is new to the game or a veteran. He’s great at team fights by putting enemies in bad positions using his Hook and then letting his team finish them. 

Since Pudge is a roamer and an initiator, he’s a versatile character that makes him excellent at every skill level. Also, his tanky build allows him to stay in fights longer, making him a forgiving character.


Who were the first heroes in Dota 2?

The first heroes in Dota 2 were ported from the original Defense of the Ancients mod [3], starting with iconic characters like Anti-Mage, Axe, and Drow Ranger. Long-time fans will likely know that DOTA 2 wasn’t the same type of MOBA we all know and love before as it’s gone through various changes over the years, including in its hero roster.

Who is the most popular Dota 2 hero?

Pudge is widely regarded as the most popular Dota 2 hero. There are various reasons for this, but the biggest reasons he’s so popular are due to his unique playstyle and iconic "Meat Hook" ability. His high skill ceiling and entertaining mechanics make him a favorite among players. Pudge consistently appears in matches across all skill levels. His widespread recognition has also made him a symbol of the game.


  1. [1] "Official Dotabuff website". Retrieved December 02, 2024
  2. [2] "Official Dota 2 website". Retrieved December 02, 2024
  3. [3] "Defense of the Ancients fandom page". Retrieved December 02, 2024

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